Help Subscription To Lhcf Cancelled?

Okay so no answer but I saw another thread that is similar so I am assuming that I just need to repay as subscriptions are cancelled. Mods Please close this thread.
I got one too. The only thing I could come up with was that it won't automatically renew since I payed through Paypal.

It was a two year subscription and I'm not due to have it renew until 2017.
I also got the email. Expiration isn't until next month for me. I usually subscribe for 2 years. Is there any way to avoid this?
I just got an email also and i can't remember off the top of my head when mine is supposed to expire but i didn't think it was anytime soon.
Whats going on?
I received the same Paypal cancellation notice a few weeks ago and my 2-year membership expires in a few days.

When I go to the Subscription page I notice that the only renewal option I can click on right now is for the 1-year membership. Are the 2-year memberships no longer available or do I have to wait until my 2-year membership ends in a few days in order to renew under the 2-year option?
Any answers ?
That just means that you have to renew manually (by clicking the "subscribe" hyperlink at the end of your current term) and every year thereafter if you want to renew your subscription. No one's account will automatically renew each year anymore. We discontinued the automatic renewal process as it was causing some confusion.
I got the same email last month and was a little confused and came here to see if I could still sign on. I checked my subscriptions and everything was fine showing that my 2 year subscription is still active but expires on...end of August I think. I just figured it was a glitch and would renew when it was time. Thanks to this thread now I know I have to manually resubscribe when mine ends.

Edit: OK mine ends end of October. Only question now is @beverly are the 2 year subscriptions no longer available? When I manually resubscribe at the end of the year will the 1 year be the only option?