Help!!! So how much did my hair grew in 32 days?

Well, I'm all late to this party. This thread was veering off into a ditch, lol.

Ya'll don't play...

You will have to remember that, Liljoy, and warn others :lachen:
Seriously, I give many props to the OP for dealing with this thread. Too many posters in here playing the arse. It was no need for this thread to go the way it did...just nuffness.

OP, much respect. BCP not for me, but Im not gonna knock you. Do you. Just please be careful messing with them hormones.
Don't read into things so much. I was just wondering.

Sorry I was harsh before but this site has hoaxed me before and it will hoax me again. I thought OP was just attention whoring at first. I was wrong. I think I even apologized. Cheel.

I agree with you...I wondered the same thing about English being her first language by the way she types - and there is nothing wrong with Spanish being her first. Just a question.
Seriously, I give many props to the OP for dealing with this thread. Too many posters in here playing the arse. It was no need for this thread to go the way it did...just nuffness.

OP, much respect. BCP not for me, but Im not gonna knock you. Do you. Just please be careful messing with them hormones.

I will thanks...
Oh and I am SO SO SORRY if my English is not perfect but if u are here asking me questions, I guess is because u understand me, so as long as I can communicate is all good....

Don't say sorry, it's not a big deal. There are plenty of chicks on this site that ONLY speak English and their typing is jacked the heck up...
Don't say sorry, it's not a big deal. There are plenty of chicks on this site that ONLY speak English and their typing is jacked the heck up...

Truth! The question had me scratching my head since she said several times that she was from DR and others chimed in that the BC in conditioner thing was common in South America. Hmmm... what could her first language possibly be? :drunk:
Thanks for the info @liljoy!
I'm glad that all the mean comments didn't run you off because I was seriously getting scared you weren't going to post the recipe.

I would really like to try it and will definitely be asking my gyn for a prescription since I've had a little setback of my own recently.

BTW. Your curls are gorgeous, just like my sisters (before she went and got a perm again.)

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Truth! The question had me scratching my head since she said several times that she was from DR and others chimed in that the BC in conditioner thing was common in South America. Hmmm... what could her first language possibly be? :drunk:

Wellllll, I have family from overseas but English is still my first language.:rolleyes: For all I know she is an American chick who visits her DR family. I was just wondering if she was a native Spanish speaker. She is and that's cool.

Still trying to figure out whats so wrong with me asking. :spinning:
Truth! The question had me scratching my head since she said several times that she was from DR and others chimed in that the BC in conditioner thing was common in South America. Hmmm... what could her first language possibly be? :drunk:

I don't think the question was rude, but the OP definitely shouldn't have to apologize for her typing being a bit broken. Like I said...I've seen way worse on this site...:lachen:
If ya'll hair ain't growing an inch in a month already, ain't no d*mn secret concoction gonna do it for you, so let it go (I am aware she already shared the ingredients).

What's funny is ya'll should know that, being on this board and all.

Thank you for sharing, liljoy.
Thanks for the info @liljoy!
I'm glad that all the mean comments didn't run you off because I was seriously getting scared you weren't going to post the recipe.

I would really like to try it and will definitely be asking my gyn for a prescription since I've had a little setback of my own recently.

BTW. Your curls are gorgeous, just like my sisters (before she went and got a perm again.)

Sent from my iPhone using LHCF

Thank u, and is ok not everyone was mean.
Liljoy, what do you use to get that nice color in your hair? It looks very healthy.

I use Walgreens hair color, the first time I had to use bleach cause I used dye my hair black, after the bleach did a BC cause bleach damage, no I only do regular color.. Sometime I mix them, of course the same brand.

ETA: I buy them at Walgreens, but I think is loreal, I'll check and let u know for sure.
Back in high school (20 years ago) I remember being told to put the birth control in the shampoo to help with hair growth, but you had to wear gloves when washing your hair and be very careful not to get it on your hands because if your fingers had hair on them it would cause the hair to grow in longer and thicker too. I remember trying it but not long enough to see any results. too much hassle trying to worry about hairy knuckles... (ok so i don't have hair on my fingers and i wasn't about to start lol...) could just be another old wives tale surfacing 20 years later... I'LL PASS ON THAT ONE THOUGH...

:lol: I am amazed at what people believe. My hands have touched birth control pills for years and I never experienced increased hair growth on my hands.
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Wow... Show someone your nice progress and mention a "secret" recipe and people get vicious. I guess teasing someone about a hair mix is like waving a flag in front of a bull. Calm down people, we'll get there one day at a time. Just know, that your hair keeps growing and just taking care of it does a LOT. Don't trip.

OP, you hair is just gorgeous. I love the curls and the color. It'd be nice to see your abuela's hair loose too... But since I can't really get my hands on BCP and don't really want them, I think I'll pass on the condition. Actually, I think I'll try it just without the BCP.
I know that in South Africa some ppl put crushed birth control into their conditioners or hair gel, suppose to help. Must admit I tried it before..:lachen: although I dont remember the results I got... I'm talking years ago! Maybe i should try it again
Wow... Show someone your nice progress and mention a "secret" recipe and people get vicious. I guess teasing someone about a hair mix is like waving a flag in front of a bull. Calm down people, we'll get there one day at a time. Just know, that your hair keeps growing and just taking care of it does a LOT. Don't trip.

OP, you hair is just gorgeous. I love the curls and the color. It'd be nice to see your abuela's hair loose too... But since I can't really get my hands on BCP and don't really want them, I think I'll pass on the condition. Actually, I think I'll try it just without the BCP.

Thank u, u really should try it, she used to do itbefore with out the BCP.
There is a million thing people that lives in the country side of DR do in their hair and is all natural like for example if u relaxed u hair and wants it curly they do egg whites with vanilla, u beat it until is king of foaming, put it in you hair and is a lot of curls definition, imagine doing that on natural hair....

I usually don't tell people about this cause they are usually gross out about eggs in the hair, but it dosent stink or anything plus the vanilla takes away any smell if any...

So, do you put the egg/vanilla in your hair & let it sit and then rinse it out?? I want to try this with my dd. She has naturally curly hair, but I want the curls to pop. Sometimes I put an egg in conditioner for the protein anyway.. Does this egg thing work for all hair types??

Also, I wonder if the birth control pill conditioner concoction would help with postpartum shedding? It seems that postpartum shedding is a result of a hormonal imbalance.... I might try it. How many pills do you use in the concoction, just one?? I've got some pills sitting in my cabinet not going to use anyhow.

I know cinnamon is good for lots of things, ginger is too... I don't think it's such a bad recipe. We all know rosemary oil is good for the hair.
So, do you put the egg/vanilla in your hair & let it sit and then rinse it out?? I want to try this with my dd. She has naturally curly hair, but I want the curls to pop. Sometimes I put an egg in conditioner for the protein anyway.. Does this egg thing work for all hair types??

Also, I wonder if the birth control pill conditioner concoction would help with postpartum shedding? It seems that postpartum shedding is a result of a hormonal imbalance.... I might try it. How many pills do you use in the concoction, just one?? I've got some pills sitting in my cabinet not going to use anyhow.

I know cinnamon is good for lots of things, ginger is too... I don't think it's such a bad recipe. We all know rosemary oil is good for the hair.

I use 10, but it depend on the person I will go up to 15, other people use 5 is up to you.
ETA: the vanilla and egg, stays in you hair, is like a gel... It works really good.
@liljoy, I just want to say that I am so impressed by the way you handled yourself on this thread. I read all of the pages hoping that people would chill out and that you would get some support. I am a newbie too. I just don't think that the way some people responded on this thread was cool in any way. I am sure that people didn't really mean any ill about it; however, it is not like all of us know each other personally. This may have been really hurtful to someone which would have resulted in them not feeling comfortable ever starting another thread. I belong to another forum and I see all kinds of threads/questions on hair. I don't see people getting harrassed and that forum is free! I am excited for you and your hair growth. Thanks for posting pics of your family and sharing your grandmother's recipe. I don't have access to bcp but all of the other ingredients sound very healthy for the hair and I might try it. Sorry for the long post. I just know I won't be starting a thread here anytime soon. I will continue what I have been doing, posting occasionally, learning and being inspired from the info and pics. Any threads/questions I will submit on another forum.
There is a million thing people that lives in the country side of DR do in their hair and is all natural like for example if u relaxed u hair and wants it curly they do egg whites with vanilla, u beat it until is king of foaming, put it in you hair and is a lot of curls definition, imagine doing that on natural hair....




I usually don't tell people about this cause they are usually gross out about eggs in the hair, but it dosent stink or anything plus the vanilla takes away any smell if any...

You are super cute. I love your hair texture and color. Interesting about BC pills. Never heard of that before. I know about eggs and vanilla though.
Sorry about your debut here. Don't stop posting.
OP you are adorable!Im hope you don't feel offended by anything as curls and waves said. Thanks for your homemade growth aid. Keep on getting good growth:grin:...Im really trying to get an inch a month or month too .Have you thought about entering the inch a month challenge in 2011??