Help!!! So how much did my hair grew in 32 days?

The secret is keeping you hair conditioned and leaving it alone. Use what works for your hair, eat healthy, take vitamins, exercise, low manipulation and that's they key. She stated her granny keeps it in a bun and she hardly ever sees it lose, she uses minimal products, ect..she's keeping it simple.

IMO there's nothing more magical than that.

Girl, bye. No time for that common sense talk. We need to hear it from the horses mouth!! Plus, she specifically stated that her grandma makes her own conditioner. That's what we are all so curious about..
@ OP, I have no doubt that's really you in the picture, boo. I just want to know what this conditioner is comprised of. If you're not going to give up the goods just let us know so we can go about our day. Enough of this being a tease business :giggle:
The secret is keeping you hair conditioned and leaving it alone. Use what works for your hair, eat healthy, take vitamins, exercise, low manipulation and that's they key. She stated her granny keeps it in a bun and she hardly ever sees it lose, she uses minimal products, ect..she's keeping it simple.

IMO there's nothing more magical than that.


Considering that hair grows from the scalp I find it hard to believe that a "conditioner" gives you and inch of growth.

OP you have been here since july so im trying to cut you a little slack BUT threads like this dont work... Um Congrats on having hair that naturally grow 1 inch per month and a finding a condish that helps you retain length
Considering that hair grows from the scalp I find it hard to believe that a "conditioner" gives you and inch of growth.

I feel you, but when I started using Vatika for example, my new growth was off the chain.

I believe that different chemical compounds can have an effect on hair growth. Personally. :yep:
Your hair color is pretty. What color is it? It has a reddish hue in the beginning pic and it looks blond in the 32 days later pic. Great growth in a short time.
Naw man! That's so not what this site is about. Alot of us could make alotta $$$ selling our secrets instead of generously sharing with our hair sisters.

When did that law pass? If that's the case then I need the exact ingredient measurements for Boundless Tresses (cuz that ish is the bomb!) and other hair concoctions that have been made by members here.

I'm speaking about product recipes not someone just saying they wore a bun and oiled their scalp with bee pee for a year. If liljoy wants to share, that's her prerogative. If she doesn't, oh well. Maybe Granny holds the patent and it's not for liljoy to share. If she says it's olive oil, dirt, and spit and doesn't tell us the exact ratio is that against the LHCF rules? If she comes back in March and has hair to her tailbone and says granny needs a new house so please send us a $20 donation, how many of us will send her $100? I've been a member for a longtime but maybe I missed something.

Don't get me wrong - I do remember what happened before but we are smart enough to make our own decisions regardless of what someone says did or did not work for them.
I am not selling anything, and I will tell you what I did, *** soon as have a change,

You have time to write out this whole thread and post all these pics but you can't put up the conditioner's contents right quick? Does this conditioner even exist??


OPs bout to learn a hard lesson.

Considering that hair grows from the scalp I find it hard to believe that a "conditioner" gives you and inch of growth.

OP you have been here since july so im trying to cut you a little slack BUT threads like this dont work... Um Congrats on having hair that naturally grow 1 inch per month and a finding a condish that helps you retain length

Thanks, but what difference does it make me being here since July?
And is not a conditioner is what she mixed with, there is a difference, and I would tell everyone what is in it.
Thanks, but what difference does it make me being here since July?
And is not a conditioner is what she mixed with, there is a difference, and I would tell everyone what is in it.

OP your playing games and thats not cool, we don't play when it comes to hair...its about to get poppin in here lol
Thanks, but what difference does it make me being here since July?
And is not a conditioner is what she mixed with, there is a difference, and I would tell everyone what is in it.

Redeem yourself..prove everybody wrong and post the recipe.. it's that simple... now people are getting pissed and it's not doing your reputation any good!
It's ok if you don't want to say what you used because you have that right. But why continue to say I'm gonna tell you, then respond to posts that have nothing to do with telling us how you achieved your growth?
I'm out. Not posting anymore cuz all the girl asked was how much did we think her hair grew in 32 days.

Answer: looks like an inch

Moving on...
You have time to write out this whole thread and post all these pics but you can't put up the conditioner's contents right quick? Does this conditioner even exist??


OPs bout to learn a hard lesson.

Oh God u guys are attacking me hard, wow, but anyways like I said before I will share the ingredients, why wouldn't I? I am not Gona get rich if I don't and I am not getting more broke than what am already are if I do
I knew this thread was gonna be good when I saw that it was three pages...:lol:

Waiting for the recipe, OP....please. :yep:
I am new and all and really don't like to be ugly, but I would think you could have posted the ingredients instead of taking that picture in the car for us. Just saying.:grin:
Thanks, but what difference does it make me being here since July?
And is not a conditioner is what she mixed with, there is a difference, and I would tell everyone what is in it.

You are still relatively new to the board, I have been here long enough to see how this would go based on the pic without dates... More experienced poster or those who have lurked off the bat come in with more details

and conditioners by nature DO NOT grow hair they help you retain the hair you have, unless she put a growth aid like sulfer in the conditioner meaning it would need to sit on your scalp something like mega-tek people are going to be hard pressed to believe your growth

not mention the tittle... 32 days... seriously only newer member check that often AND post about it... most old poster pop in here with a new thread every couple of inches they grow not over a 32 day growth spurt.

Im just trying to point out some differences I have noticed in my 2 years on the board.
You catch more bees with honey. The way to get something is not to be aggressive, geeze:rolleyes:. If she wants to share the recipe fine, if not we can KIM.

Op, that may just be your growth rate. But if the conditioner works for you, that is great!