Help!!! Should I do it?


Well-Known Member
I started my new hair care reg early September and I am currently 9 weeks post. I washed my hair on Wed and noticed that I had lots of tangles, shedding, and matting after my deep con. When I washed my hair last night the same thing occured. I was trying to wait until the end of Dec to get a relaxer but I think my hair is trying to tell me something; and I don't want to regret not listening. Should I take this as a sign that I have reached my stretching limit or should I try some new product to help with the matting and tangles? The shedding was not that bad only about 10 strands at most. Thanks in advance for your help ladies!
Well, try a good moisturizing deep conditioner and rollerset it. When I had terrible tangles and such about 8 weeks post, I just deep conditioned and set it on rollers and it was alot better. I did take it as a sign however that maybe I was at my stretching limit. I made my hair appointment and got relaxed a week later.
gymfreak336 said:
Well, try a good moisturizing deep conditioner and rollerset it. When I had terrible tangles and such about 8 weeks post, I just deep conditioned and set it on rollers and it was alot better. I did take it as a sign however that maybe I was at my stretching limit. I made my hair appointment and got relaxed a week later.

I agree, maybe you can try another product and do some rollersetting, however, you shouldn't wait too much longer. The shedding might get worse. The sad truth is that not everyone can stretch 9 or even 12 weeks at a time. Girl, I say listen to your hair FIRST, it knows what it wants and needs;)