HELP!!! Shedding, Shedding, Shedding!!!

Ms. A.Sunshine

New Member
Hello All,

I apologize if this has been addressed recently but I am new to my hair journey and to LHCF and I have been wearing a bun since Wednesday trying to participate in the Hide Your Hair Challenge. I have baggied two or three times and I DC'd last night and conditioner washed this just seemed like when I combed through my hair with conditioner there was a lot of shedding (I know its shedding because I see the white bulbs on the tips.)

My question is is this normal? Am I shedding because I haven't combed since Wednesday? Or did I overdo the moisture? Please advise...its making me nervous!!!!!:nono::spinning:

Thank you in advance.

P.S. I was using the full Aphogee line and had some breakage that's why I was assuming moisture was what was needed.
from what I have learned here, it is normal to shed up to 100 or so hairs a day... so if you've had your hair up since Wednesday then you have 4 or so days worth of shed hairs, so it is normal to see a bit more than usual....

and by the way welcome
Hopefully others will chime in, but it could be a combination of both not combing since Wed and/or being over-moisturized. I noticed that when I baggied (sp), I would shed a lot too. I just attributed it to too much moisture. Baggy (ing) is just one of those things that doesn't work for me.

Unfortunately this is trail and error time for you. You have to find your balance between moisture and protein. It took me a while to find mine.
You can't significantly stop shedding by anything external. You should go to a trichologist.

Take garlic internally and put garlic oil on your scalp should help.
Sound like it's just a few days worth of accumulated shed hairs :yep:

Welcome to the board!!! :hiya2:
You would know if you over did it on the moisture if your hair feels mushy or if the hair follows the combs and combs out when you comb it. I am currently recovering from this.
Shedding is normal. It's one of the three phases that the follicle goes through. Humans shed between 50-100 hairs per day on average. If you don't detangle your hair for a few days then you'll have accumulated a few hundred hairs and that's why you saw so much.

More protein or moisture or less combing will not change stop your shedding, it's going to happen regardless. Don't freak out about it, it's perfectly normal. If you start getting bald spots, that's when you should worry.
Thank you all for your responses. I do think it is just a case of not combing for those few days...I am a recovering comb fanatic and used to comb my hair WAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYY too much and even then saw shedding so of course there would be more after not having combed for again thank you.