Help - shall I cut my thin hair off??


New Member
I'm new here - well sort of, this is my second post!

After lingering in the background on this site - using all the great information I read like moisturizing, bagging, oils etc. my hair has grown from neck to shoulders in one year!.

After visiting two hair salons that know me well - they kept saying 'oh your hair’s thin' it never used to be so 'thin'. I wasnt going to relax it - but gave in yesterday after leaving it for 5 months it was very overdue and was started to matt and yeah its very, very thin. I suspected something was wrong but just didn’t want to face it.. If that’s not bad enough – I was informed by my doctor that I am anemic and am now suffering from hypothyroidism. :wallbash:Which incidentally both cause THIN hair. I am so angry after all this work.. my hair is horrible!! Sorry I don’t have photos - I just couldn’t post a picture on this site it just keeps rejecting it!!!..

So - what would you guys do - cut back to NECK Length or just leave it - and get a weave??!! I am seeing my doctor tomorrow - hopefully I’ll get the right medication for this low thyroid.. I am seriously depressed now!!:cry3:
Replies welcomed!
Are your ends split? If they are not split, I would leave them and wear buns or curly rollersets until thicker hair starts to grow in. Then you can cut those thin ends gradually.

I'm really sorry about your health problems. Now that the problems have been identified, I hope you feel better.
ITA...if its the ends arent split dont chop them off immediately...I would get the sew in and address those health problems like you are doing...Get better soon!!
Well take care of your health problem first, do u wanna cut cuz your hair is thin, or is your hair damage? If your hair is not damage, then there is no point of cutting, I would try to do a loose bun, or try a hair style that's not so stressed on your hair, and see if, after you start taking your medication, your hair will thickened back up. My mom is anemic, all she needs is Iron, but she doesn't listen to me and doesn't take a multivitamin, and her hair is very thin plus relaxer and color all the after the other, I just wouldn't cut it though, hang in there and see if anything will change in a while, and if nothing doesn't, then do what u have to do.....Good luck, and sorry for your health issue.......HTH....
I agree with the others. Unless its split, cutting won't do a bit of good. I would wear protective styles until you get your body back in balance. I hope you get better soon!
Poor thing :bighug:

I too suffer from hypothyroid, Hashimoto's Thyroiditis to be exact. It causes my hair to be dry, brittle, course and I shed a lot more than normal. It really is a challenge and it can get discouraging.

I recently had to cut my hair from almost MBL to APL because my ends were just ridiculously see-through.

If your ends are bothering you and making you depressed, cut it off and be rid of it! You'll feel a lot better when you do :yep:

What's your current reggie?
First get your health situation in check and then continue with all the helpful advice you have found here. Do a minimal S&D for your ends, low manipulation and continue to DC and baby your hair to the max. Yes, feel better soon :(
Your hair will regain health and start to thicken once your overall health is better - and try not to worry so much as this will just have adverse effects (I appreciate this is difficult).

As the others have said, if your hair isn't split, just keep treating your hair, moisturise, DC etc. You hair will improve. :yep:
Poor thing :bighug:

I too suffer from hypothyroid, Hashimoto's Thyroiditis to be exact. It causes my hair to be dry, brittle, course and I shed a lot more than normal. It really is a challenge and it can get discouraging.

I recently had to cut my hair from almost MBL to APL because my ends were just ridiculously see-through.

If your ends are bothering you and making you depressed, cut it off and be rid of it! You'll feel a lot better when you do :yep:

What's your current reggie?

Hi - Sorry to hear you suffer too! (today Doc me presciption so will see how things go!)

my regime at the moment consist of :
Nugrow moisturiser, UBH lotion creme Moisturiser, Keale Oil.
Will start to baggy ends - cos I had stopped - that will help keep my ends moist. Profectiv oil serum is nice. Baggy ends with - mango butter.
Will be trying BBD stretch growth reconstructrer...- have it not used it yet!

Today I 'trimmed' my ends... and they look better. I will give my hair (newly relaxed hair) some tender loving care for two weeks, and then put a weave in! :yep:
Are your roots coming in thin? Or is it just the ends. I would say hold off on the weave for now. Think about it- you want to build your hair up. How is your hair actually going to receive the benefits of moisture, DC's, protein treatments etc if you are weaved up.

I am not bashing weaves at all, it's just that your hair sounds kinds fragile right now. IMO I think 2 weeks post relaxer is too soon to weave. Have you considered bunning, wigs or half wigs? That way you can access your hair.