Help!!! Self Relaxing For the First Time!!!


Well-Known Member
I am going to relax my own hair for the very first time this weekend and I have a lot of questions. What brand should I use? How long should I let it stay in? I have 4a/b mixed with a little 3c hair. Should I base my scalp with Vaseline first? I have been transitioning for about 4 months now and want to relax again...but this time around I know that bone straight hair via a relaxer isn't healthy. Please help me guys!!!
it's been so long since i did my own, i don't wanna steer you wrong, so... BUMP!

p.s. good luck!
Kitty18, it sounds like you want to texturize your hair. You should do a strand test first to determine how long you should leave the relaxer in. If you want to base your scalp with Vaseline, then you should do that before you apply the relaxer. Some ladies here choose not to base their scalp, but it's your choice. I can't give you any advice on what relaxer to get. However, I can tell you what I use. The first time I texturized I used Motions Mild w/ Oil and the second time (last weekend) I used Motions Mild. I prefer Motions Mild because it works better. Hopefully more people can give you advice.
Try paging or pm'ming Peachtree or Londondiva. They are our resident self-relaxing experts. In the meantime, I see if I can find a thread or two for you.
Thanks so much ladies! I am doing it myself because I just can't fathom paying the $85-100 that my classmates pay to get relaxers. Shoot, for that amount I could buy an entire tub of relaxer!
When I self-relaxed for the 1st time in December, I followed some of the tips in this link. Women on the board contributed to the page.

I underprocessed it because I didn't apply the PCJ lye (very mild) for as long as my stylist applies Affirm mild lye, and I didn't comb through the new growth during the application. These parameters vary for individuals, and now I have convinced myself through experience that a 17 minute application with relaxer combed through is necessary for the degree of straightness I like.

It's important to have the hair split into well-combed sections BEFORE the application starts. String up an extra mirror such that you can see the back of your head. I put the relaxer cream in an applicator bottle and squeezed it out onto each section of hair. Use a timer! Follow the neutralization directions. I prefer a shower with higher water pressure like at the salon, so I ordered one from

Good luck!