Help! Relaxing After A Weave Qustion???


Well-Known Member
Hey all, Can i please get some opnions. I had my cap weave on the last few weeks and I took it out last night. obviously my hair is itching like mad and I have an appt this Friday morning for a relaxer. Today is Tuesday, should I wash and DC my hair to soothe this itchiness or just leave it alone and base really well the night before and the morning of the relaxer. I just wonder if Tuesday Night is too close to Friday morning for me to wash my hair. (I am average when it comes to relaxer sensivity....I am not sensitive but I am not soldier girl either.) Thanks for the input.
I would leave it alone and base really well the night before. Just continue to do the "weave pat" when your scalp itches.
I don't see anything wrong with that, you should be fine... my last few relaxers, I washed with a clarifying shampoo and DC'd 3 days before my relaxer touch up and my scalp was fine.

I can't imagine dealing with itchy scalp for 3 days and most probably scratching my scalp unconsciously while I am asleep...
You Laides hair look phenomenal. Ajacks, you r hair legnth is my goal. And Wannabe, Im doing a BC on Friday and starting from scratch. I certainly hope i have the same success that you ladies have had in such a short period of time. Thanks for the advice also.
You Laides hair look phenomenal. Ajacks, you r hair legnth is my goal. And Wannabe, Im doing a BC on Friday and starting from scratch. I certainly hope i have the same success that you ladies have had in such a short period of time. Thanks for the advice also.

Thanks, I achieved it wearing weaves as well :grin:
I don't see anything wrong with that, you should be fine... my last few relaxers, I washed with a clarifying shampoo and DC'd 3 days before my relaxer touch up and my scalp was fine.
I can't imagine dealing with itchy scalp for 3 days and most probably scratching my scalp unconsciously while I am asleep...

Hey Smiley!!! :wave:
I've done the same thing ^ with no problems. I have a normal scalp as well :)
You Laides hair look phenomenal. Ajacks, you r hair legnth is my goal. And Wannabe, Im doing a BC on Friday and starting from scratch. I certainly hope i have the same success that you ladies have had in such a short period of time. Thanks for the advice also.

Are you really? Why?
HEY TIFFERS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I MISSED YOU MY HAIR SISTER!! lol.:grin: I've been lurking with weaves but never gone. I want to cut may hair and start fresh. My hair is in a healthy state right now from the root, thanks to all that I have learned on this forum. So now I'm ready to rid my hiar of a lot of the dead hair and major uneveness and start at a healthy yet stylish legnth that I can move forward with.:strong: With all that I have learned here, I am super confidant that i will get the legnth to compliment the health in no time. I've been eyeing some Rihanna inspired cuts so, I'ma bit excited, plus i'd rather do a major cut while i already have very short hair rather then later on down the road. In the the next couple years I dont' wantt o wear weaves to achieve the look that I have in my Signature....I want to have my own healthy hair, not wasting money getting it out out of a pack. WE IN A RECESSION, LOL!!!:lachen: