HELP prayer against girl trying to temp my husband!


Well-Known Member
Hello beautiful ladies - I hope you are all doing well.

I haven't been on the forum for a while, but immediately came on today to ask for some assistance from some prayer warriors here in the forum. You ladies have been there for me during some difficult times in my life, and I am hoping this will be no different.

I've been with my man for 8 years now, and we've had our ups and downs. We were separated for a few months this time last year, and I believe it was at that point that the enemy tried to creep into our relationship by using a temptress.

There is this girl at my hubby's work place who is infatuated with him - now he's a very handsome man so this is to be expected and actually this isn't the first. He works in an environment where he has to communicate with this girl sometimes outside of work, but she has taken the opportunity to cross the lines too many times. She would message him late at night, ask him to go out with her and her friends, dress up so he would notice her - all of this he has told me. I of course was outraged and went down to his workplace to deal with her but she wasn't there (lucky for her) He assured me he would deal with it, but didn't want to be too aggressive for fear she would get jealous and cause problems for him at work (i.e. woman cries wolf, token black man is guilty) I mean you just never know with crazy thirsty women like this. The sad thing is she knows about me and our family, but is still so disrespectful. I take a huge offence to that. It's different when the other woman doesn't know, but you know and you're still pressing him? Being thirsty isn't cute at all I don't know what's wrong with this girls...not even going to call them women because a real woman knows her place and knows that God isn't going to give them someone elses husband.

I was using his phone and saw a message from her - she asks him if he liked a particular article of clothing she was wearing that day. I flew off the handle, I was going to call her and cuss her out but I said no - he has to deal with her and this time more aggressively since a polite let down wasn't working for her. And so he responded and asked her if she had forgotten about the conversation he had with her about being professional and discussing work issues only. It was clear in her response that she was embarrassed, but I don't think she will stop as this isn't the first time he's spoken to her.

I honestly believe this is an attack on our relationship and the enemy is working overtime. It really bothers me because this is someone at work, not some annoying ex girlfriend who keeps calling. I need all of you to help me pray against her and this situation. If any of you have gone through the same things, and have suggestive prayers or actions please let me know. Right now I feel like praying God moves her away from that location, and obviously to continue to pray for his mind.

Thanks in advance

Tell your husband to set up an appointment with Human Resources. Your husband should show the text messages to HR and explain that the text messages are inappropriate and HR needs to deal with this woman.
I agree with PinkPebbles. Your husband needs to go to HR.

Also, you should keep in mind that you are not praying against the girl, you are praying against a spirit. It sounds like she has a lustful spirit since she continues to chase your husband despite the fact that she knows he is married and he has rejected her advances. Read Ephesians 6:12. Also, the enemy knows that it hasn't been too long ago that the two of you were separated. You are back together now, but it still takes time to work on the issues that caused the two of you to separate in the first place.

In addition to contacting HR (showing the text messages she sent him would be helpful), he needs to let her know again in no uncertain terms that their relationship is purely professional and all contact should be kept professional. He needs to be firm and direct so there is no room for her to interpret what he is saying. He needs to be very plain.
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I agree, go to HR. But your husband needs to be more firm and adamant about checking this woman on her behavior. She keeps doing it because it seems there is a chance he will acquiesce. Honestly, its probably best that they end all communication. Things can happen so quickly.
I agree, except for the bolded...they are colleagues and it seems they have to communicate outside of work... just sounds like she is trying to take advantage of that. But if were me, I'd tell hubby he needs to let her know he is serious and report the situation to to HR for mediation immediately. That's what they get paid to do. Men get harassed, too.

OP, I don't know about praying against anything but praying for a victorious outcome. Praying for your husband. It's not about her, it's about protecting your marriage. I hope things work out in your favor and God keeps your union strong through it all. Good to see you back.

Sorry to call you out momi, Shimmie, BostonMaria, Galadriel... but would love to hear your thoughts. :yep:

I agree, go to HR. But your husband needs to be more firm and adamant about checking this woman on her behavior. She keeps doing it because it seems there is a chance he will acquiesce. Honestly, its probably best that they end all communication. Things can happen so quickly.
Your husband needs to NEVER be alone with her in a room with the door closed, and NEVER act in a way outside of work professionalism. He should even let HR know about her behavior, because if the roles were reversed (and the attention unwanted), it would be a sexual harassment case. She is sexually harassing him.

If he needs to confront her or give her a stern talking-to, make sure he does it in the presence of an HR official (maybe have a three-way meeting).

We will be praying, but it seems more of a case of a desperate, loose woman than the Enemy trying to creep in.
Thanks Laela for tagging me.

I have to be honest, my response is notvas graceful but it is scriptural. One thing that a wife never has to fear is another woman (or man) making advances towards her husband. God has already setup His protection over this. Yes...He has.

The wife in total confidence and a fearless can speak the Word of God watch it come to pass..

This woman is already gone. Galatians 4:30.....

it starts out with these words: "What does scripture say?" Those words alone is God assuring you of His Word which never lies. ..never.

Sweetheart. ..Precious Taytay. ..."What does scripture say...?" In Galatians says:

"Nevertheless, what saith the scripture? Cast out the bondwoman and her son."

Cast her out! It's the Word of God! Cast her out and all that comes with her. Period.

How so? Lord she has to go and she will go according to your Word. I cast hervout and away from my husband and our Marriage in Jesus' Name, My heart bows unto you and I thank you from my heart, Amen and Amen.

Each time Jesus caught someone in sin, His Words were lovingly spoken, "Go and sin no more." This woman shall go and sin no more. She cannot seduce another man nor can she yield to any further spirits of lust and disobedience to the love of God for her. Amen.

One other thing that hubby needs to do and should have done from the beginning is to block her number (or numbers) from his phone. Cut off the sources of contact! It"s not his right that he is cutting off. Get rid of her contacts, every single one. Period. Block her number ASAP and whatever else she is doing. Block the sources of all contact from her.

My prayers are with you and Hubby. :pray:

Thanks Laela for tagging me.

I have to be honest, my response is notvas graceful but it is scriptural. One thing that a wife never has to fear is another woman (or man) making advances towards her husband. God has already setup His protection over this. Yes...He has.

The wife in total confidence and a fearless can speak the Word of God watch it come to pass..

This woman is already gone. Galatians 4:30.....

it starts out with these words: "What does scripture say?" Those words alone is God assuring you of His Word which never lies. ..never.

Sweetheart. ..Precious Taytay. ..."What does scripture say...?" In Galatians says:

"Nevertheless, what saith the scripture? Cast out the bondwoman and her son."

Cast her out! It's the Word of God! Cast her out and all that comes with her. Period.

How so? Lord she has to go and she will go according to your Word. I cast hervout and away from my husband and our Marriage in Jesus' Name, My heart bows unto you and I thank you from my heart, Amen and Amen.

Each time Jesus caught someone in sin, His Words were lovingly spoken, "Go and sin no more." This woman shall go and sin no more. She cannot seduce another man nor can she yield to any further spirits of lust and disobedience to the love of God for her. Amen.

One other thing that hubby needs to do and should have done from the beginning is to block her number (or numbers) from his phone. Cut off the sources of contact! It"s not his right that he is cutting off. Get rid of her contacts, every single one. Period. Block her number ASAP and whatever else she is doing. Block the sources of all contact from her.

My prayers are with you and Hubby. :pray:


I agree whole-heartedly, Shimmie, but I think they have to communicate for work purposes and sometimes the communication takes place after regular work hours. At least that is what I gathered from taytay86 post.
I agree whole-heartedly, Shimmie, but I think they have to communicate for work purposes and sometimes the communication takes place after regular work hours. At least that is what I gathered from taytay86 post.

I hear you, :yep: I truly do . But a man's ethics are paramount in the work place and the number thing he needs to do is to block her from his life.

She has proven that the job is not her focus and she needs to go / be blocked from his life. By doing nothing he is giving yield to her further misconduct.

The marriage vows...

"Let no man (woman) put asunder (come between/separate, etc.)"

He needs to cut her off / block her / do what Joseph did ...he ran from Potiphar"s wife. I don't doubt that this woman spins this on Taytay"s husband as the 'aggressor' / marks him as the one pursuing her. Being a woman, she'll be the one most will believe. Hubby is then out of a job.

Cut her off... this Precious Marriage has been through enough.


mrselle, I came back to correct my '50-11' typos :look: and to make sure that my reply to your post didn't sound harsh. You're one of the most precious angels here and I treasure you. :love2:

I go hard on issues like this, but then after all these years of seeing me on this forum, I don't think anything I say surprises you. I show no mercy for marriage busters, in this case, the woman chasing the husband. :fistshake:

Just wanted you to know that. :kiss:
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I hear you, :yep: I truly do . But a man's ethics are paramount in the work place and the number thing he needs to do is to block her from his life.

She has proven that the job is not her focus and she needs to go / be blocked from his life. By doing nothing he is giving yield to her further misconduct.

The marriage vows...

"Let no man (woman) put asunder (come between/separate, etc.)"

He needs to cut her off / block her / do what Joseph did ...he ran from Potiphar"s wife. I don't doubt that this woman spins this on Taytay"s husband as the 'aggressor' / marks him as the one pursuing her. Being a woman, she'll be the one most will believe. Hubby is then out of a job.

Cut her off... this Precious Marriage has been through enough.


mrselle, I came back to correct my '50-11' typos :look: and to make sure that my reply to your post didn't sound harsh. You're one of the most precious angels here and I treasure you. :love2:

I go hard on issues like this, but then after all these years of seeing me on this forum, I don't think anything I say surprises you. I show no mercy for marriage busters, in this case, the woman chasing the husband. :fistshake:

Just wanted you to know that. :kiss:

Shimmie - I know your stance towards marriage and family, so I did not see your post as being harsh at all. :-)
I'm not sure what the answer is. The fact that he told you shows me that he cares enough to save his relationship with you.

If you think you're going to hit this woman then my advice is to stay away from her. Do you have her phone number? Call her up and tell her to back off. No texts, emails, voicemails which can be traced back to you in case she says you're harassing her. I would just tell her to stay away and get her own man.

At the end of the day, I think you should have HIM take care of this through Human Resources. Because I'm sure you don't want him to lose his job or be fired. Its easier to find a job when you have one.

I wish you luck and I'm so sorry that you're going through this. Keep your eyes on Jesus.
Yes, I do see sexual harassment, Gala.

Shimmie, I agree ... a wife should have no fear, concerning 3rd parties. It is a real situation, though; one that evoked real feelings and I applaud OP for her bravery. How a situation like this is handled is what is paramount.
This situation is really not very complicated, as a married woman myself I can imagine how you must feel though. But to be honest, your husband may be the issue. Don't get me wrong there are loose women but typically, unlike men, women don't usually go hard in the face of rejection. Their feelings and self esteem are usually bruised when a man firmly turns them down. This leads me to believe that your husband is giving her reason to think she has a chance, he is not coming off firm. It's a bad excuse that as a married man he cannot tell her no in a direct and firm way for fear of losing his job. Sexual harassment is huge now days and if she ever tried to lie he has all the proof he needs with the texts. With that kind of proof, he can tell her in a stern and direct way that he will never want her. This is what needs to be done, you getting involved will only make things worse. God bless you sis, and I hope things work out for the best.
I'm sorry, your focus is wrong. It should be on yourself and for your husband to stand as an honorable, strong man and fight his own battles. He's 1/2 won because he seems to be a gentle man. You need to get a hold of yourself because you can jeopardize his job by trying to pick fights with this woman. Please don't do that and take your focus off her. I know it's scary but if he is going to cheat (which I sincerely hope he does not), he's going to do it without you. Let him stand on his two feet and talk with him about your expectations in handling this matter. You cannot make him be faithful. Taking out your aggressions on that woman is wrong. Being a team in his fighting temptation and inappropriate behavior on the job is going to be the strength of your marriage. Pray that you cease all jealousies and fear. Pray your husband stands strong and loves you beyond all others. Make it known to him that any infidelity will not be tolerated and that he will lose out. This should be your focus. And please know, I will certainly pray for you two as a couple.
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Thank you, all of you lovely ladies for sharing your viewpoints, suggestions and most importantly your prayers and scripture. Thank you especially to Laela Shimmie I know this response is late, but I have found some comfort in what you have said. I believe in this situation, the issue is partly his fault yes because like most men their ego gets in the way when they are noticed by another woman, or pursued by another woman especially when they are younger. I know that he was firm with her, but I feel uneasy by the fact that I had to prompt, almost pressure him to be firm. He was so concerned about his job, adding other parties like HR is something he would never resort to as his first option. Even after all this time, I must admit it is still always in my mind and I wonder if she's still trying. I am trying through prayer to let it go, and really trust that God has handled the situation.

Praying all of God's best for you and your husband...'Your Precious Marriage' to be whole and strengthened all the more each moment, each hour, each day in God.

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen

Hedge of thorns

Father I ask in sorrow, knowing that You do not intrude upon free will, but that You can give Divine Influence like you did with Hosea's wife, that You send a hedge of thorns and wall around (husband) so that he cannot find the paths that lead him away from me and our marriage and though he shall pursue his [i.e. lifestyle, sinful ways, etc.] , he will not [i.e. practice improper lifestyles, engage in sin, etc.] ; though he shall seek [i.e. improper lifestyles, sin, etc.] , he shall not find [i.e. his desired lifestyle, the sin that draws him, etc.] ; that no matter what path or what [i.e. lifestyle, sin, etc.] he seeks he shall not find satisfaction or happiness until he returns to me, his [wife & family.] where he may then be taught by Your Holy Spirit the true meaning of [ marriage & family,] , and to be a good and loving [ husband & father] , and to know the ways of righteousness and true [marriage & family,]
Father, I am powerless against these spiritual forces and recognize my utter dependence on You and Your power. Look with mercy upon me and upon [spouse's name] .

Do not look upon our sins, O Lord; rather, look at the sufferings of your Beloved Son and see the Victim who's bitter passion and death has reconciled us to You. By the victory of the cross, protect us from all evil and rebuke any evil spirits who are attacking or influencing us in any way. Send them back to Hell and place a wall of protection around this [ marriage & family] . Send your Holy Angels to watch over us and protect us.

Father, all of these things I ask in the most holy name of Jesus Christ, Your Son. Thank you, Father, for hearing my prayer. I love You, I worship You, I thank You and I trust in You. Amen.