Help Porosity Control and Tangles???!!


Well-Known Member
Hi Ladies,
I bought the Porosity Contol Treatment for me and my Mom the other day, I had not had a chance to use it yet so I used it on her today after a pre-poo, shampoo and deep condition. When I was rinsing the conditioner out her hair felt so soft and smooth. So I put about a quater sized amount of the porosity control on for no longer than 30 seconds like the bottle said. I rinsed that out and her hair so horribly tangled we could not even get a very wide toothed comb thru it. So I re aplied Kenra MC and rinsed it again her hair was still hard and tangled. Please can somebody tell me if this is common or what I did wrong. She has lost so much hair from this, please help.
I have not experienced tangling or hardness yet with PC, but I only use it when I need to.

I use it after washing my hair and before deep conditioning (leaving it in for 30 seconds) and that works very well. It's possible it has to do with the pH of your mother's hair at the time, after her hair was conditioned. If her hair felt soft and smooth after conditioning, it sounds like there was no reason to use PC.

Have you used it on your hair in the same way as on your mother's?
I thought it was supposed to be used as a final rinse I didn't know you had to DC afterwards. I saw that after using the search feature as well. Thanks again.
I believe that the instructions say that you use the Porosity Control first and then follow it up with the Porosity Control shampoo.
To me it's like a really good boost for other conditioners. I like to mix it with ORS replenishing pak and use that as my deep conditioners.
I have had this problem also. It makes my hair hard like if it had a protein treatment. When I do use it, its as follows:

porosity control condish, for 30sec
Moisturizing DC for 45 min- 1 hr
Detangle under running water

Also find that if I using a clarifying/chelating poo with it my hair does not end up as hard.

I also had horrible tangles. I don't usually detangle until after the conditioner is rinsed out. My hair felt smooth with the PC in but combing it was horrid! This is the second time this has happened.
You're not alone. I had really bad tangles with this, but now I mixed it with ORS Replinishing Conditioner (in the bottle) and it comes out like silk.:yep:
Well I only have the shampoo.......what do I do with that? Sorry OP for going off topic.
I started getting tangles after using PC so I had to stop. I'm guessing it was doing something to my cuticles and causing my hair to lock together.

I get better results with just DCing.
i feeling abit skeptical after reading this i just purchased the conditioner today! i have used the shampoo and my hair felt great afterward, should i add the conditioner to my DC?
If you mix it with ORS REplenishing Pak you hair will come out soft and tangle free. You can leave it on for about 30min to an hour. I probably wouldnt use it alone.
This is so odd, I never experience this with PC. I guess since I normally use it after a shampoo. I'll try it as a final rinse and see what happens,
oh gosh i just used PC for the first time today and my hair did the same thing! It tangled horribly and I could barely get a comb through it. I lost about a half fist full of hair!

Even on the parts that werent tangled, I was still losing hair!

Heres what I did:
clarified with suave
put on the PC for 30 seconds by itself then washed it out
then conditioned with suave daily moisturizer
combed...lost a bunch of hair then I cowashed with HE hello hydration

after HE a lot of the breakage/shedding seemed to stop

right now im sitting under a dryer with Pantenes R&N breakage defense mask.

Perhaps an oil rinse would help too?

Does anyone know how long this will last? One wash? two washes? several weeks?!!?!?