Help Please


New Member
I'm at a loss of what to do with my hair. I did the BC on the 2nd of this month and my hair is growing, but I can't find the right products and regimen to make my hair soft and well, cute! My hair just sits curl no wave...nothing! I think I am a 4c. What type of pic do I need to take to help determine my hair type? Wet, Dry? Product suggestion would be very helpful, but I really enjoy making my own creations too so any recipes for my hair type would be appreciated.
I normally cowash with suave coconut although I tried out VO5 tea something or another and dont like it. I dc with Elasta QP DPR-11 sometimes I mix it with honey and oil...not sure what thats really suppose to do though, I just read Shea butter makes my hair hard...mixed it with the mango...still hard, and whipped up some shealoe last night and I feel like acrylic is on my hair or I use coconut, evoo, and kemi oyl. I bought avg yesterday, but only tried it mixed with the shea last night.

hmm I appologize that none of those products are working....have u dc? how do u wash? Does ur hair feel week or just dry?
I dc at least once a week. I like to dc in the steam room at the gym. When I cowash I just wet my hair, put on the conditioner and rinse it back out. I'm trying baking soda as we speak. I put 1 teaspoon of bs in 1/4 conditioner. I plan to do an herbal acv rince afterwards. My hair isnt weak at all...just very dry and I hate that it just sits there. It makes me very subconcious of it since it so short and I'm thinking of wearing a lot of quick weaves for the time being, but that makes me feel like I'm ashamed of my hair :/
Congrats on your BC!! It may be a little too cold (?) for the shea butter, sounds like it's not melting into your hair (don't know how cold it gets in Cali). I would say to up your DC to 2 times per week (for at least 20min) and try adding a leave in conditioner (or leaving in some of your co-wash) and then sealing with the coconut oil. Make sure everything melts in really well before you go outside. I hope that helps. I'm sure other members will chime in with good ideas. HHG
Congrats on your BC!! It may be a little too cold (?) for the shea butter, sounds like it's not melting into your hair (don't know how cold it gets in Cali). I would say to up your DC to 2 times per week (for at least 20min) and try adding a leave in conditioner (or leaving in some of your co-wash) and then sealing with the coconut oil. Make sure everything melts in really well before you go outside. I hope that helps. I'm sure other members will chime in with good ideas. HHG

Good advice, add a little patience for your hair to come into it's own as it will. Congrats on the chop.
It is a bit cold. Should use shea only when its warm?

What is a good natural moisturizer? I think the hardest thing for me is knowing what to do after cowashing my hair. I know moisturize and seal with an oil, but is the mango butter a moisturizer? Do I have to seal it with additional oil since it seems a bit oily already?
I rinsed with warm water, then cool, then the herbal acv. I mixed some mango butter with a little bit of the suave conditioner and massged it into may hair and sealed with some seven and kemi oyl (I ran out of my coconut last night).

Here are some pics. I think my hair has grown a lot since the 2nd.


I still have a bit of bleached hair left even after the BC. I dont want to cut my hair again for awhile though.

How does it feel to you? I was just thing it may be what some people call "scab hair" do a search and see if you have like symptoms. Does any of your products have alcohol in them?
I agree with Nubenap22 I think its scab hair.I struggled with scab hair when I bcied .Up your dc and baggie everynight.Right now every night I baggie my hair and it has really helped on the dryness.Hope it helps
Ok...I'll look into that. I'll check my products for alcohol also, but I don't think they do...I'm not positive though.

Babylilac...can you explain your baggie process please?
Congratulations on your BC!
You have a lot of growth since the 2nd.
I think that you should wait until you have 2 to 3 inches of hair until you try to determine what your hair type is.
You may have scab hair. I had this problem even though I haven't BC'd yet. The first 3 or 4 months after my last relaxer, my hair would not curl, it was dry and frizzy, despite my best efforts. Fast forward, my hair has a curl pattern, feels different and reacts better to product. The same thing with my DD who is 14 months post relaxer.
I would just continue to moisturize and DC if I were you to see how your hair reacts.