Help please..

Sui Topi

New Member
Can you guys help me with typing my hair? There are pictures in my fotki. Im having trouble embedding them here
Not sure- perhaps 3b/c.

I think that if you placed the pic in your post than more ladies will respond- some don't like venturing off
to fotki land :rolleyes::lachen:.

Pm me if you want help doing so.
Sigh...its true....I'm guilty of that also...I copied the image address, and then clicked the little add image thing here and put in the link...for some reason its still comming up as just links instead of pictures.

I figure I'm 3c/4a because I do have some of those click pen spring coils...but I'm not so sure...


Freshly washed, no product


Freshly washed no product


Freshly washed, no product..this is like in the side of my head


With Product


Coils with product
IMHO I can't tell you... I mean your hair will have to grow out more. From what I understand, you might go through a "scab" hair phase. I have heard from others that have transitioned that when they first started going natural from a relaxer, the texture was much different then what it ended up to be. Some didn't like how their texture was changing and became texlaxed to keep that wavy/curly texture that was happening when they first stopped relaxing bone straight. Give it some time, like 6-12 months or more and once you cut off the relaxed ends (they give the natural hair more weight which can alter the look) then I think you might have more of an idea of what your texture really is.
That's true, but I'm not sure, my hair isnt excessively dry and hard to manage like how most describe scab hair...its the exact opposite. I permed my virgin hair 2 years ago and from what I can remember my hair was basically like this before. I cant wait to cut off the relaxer though like you say, and see my natural hair in all its glory for what it really is
i say 3c -- looks a bit too wavy for 4a, but it might be too early to tell. it's easier to type yourself the more weeks post you are.

silly me thought i was a 3b at only 2 weeks post... but the truth unveiled itself at 12 weeks post, lol
I'm 15 weeks...I say part 4a because in some places there are those clicker pen coils and LOIS is so much simpler!
I think 3c/4a is a good guess. Good luck with your transition.

This would be my guess as well.

Sui Topi, your hair looks beautiful in your fotki. If you are still unsure, check out this site - They have a way you can shop for hair products by your hair type and they also give a little excerpt on how to differentiate between hair types. Check it out, it' was very helpful for me.

I agree with a lot of the ladies here though. You may have to wait a little longer for your hair to grow out some more in order to be absolutely sure. Good Luck!
Can you guys help me with typing my hair? There are pictures in my fotki. Im having trouble embedding them here

Hi Sui Topi,

I wanted to leave a comment in your fotki, but you don't have it configured to accept comments. Can you go into the "GoTo" tab on the top right of the screen and then configure it to accept comments. I love your hair by the way.
Thank you guys for the Aggie I was wondering why I had views but no comments! I will get to that right away. This waiting is something else though lol. Now that I learned so much from you guys I'm excited and see the potential in my natural hair...I wish I never relaxed it!