Help please! PICS (Cause I know you ladies are suckers for pics lol)


New Member
So I'm having a slight freak-out for various reasons.

1. I just did a porosity test, and my hair sank pretty much immediately.
:shocked: This explains why my hair has been feeling so jank the past couple weeks, but I'm not sure as to how it got to this state. It's a hella beast right now. Also porosity hasn't been an issue before; in fact, my hair was always resistant to relaxers (chemical treatments on the whole really).

2. I'm seriously thinking about BCing next Wednesday (1st Sept), at 6 months post. See threads here: Transitioning + being near scissors = BC? & Hair lets you know when to BC? This porosity thing has thrown me for a loop though. :perplexed

3. I'm moving to the south of England (Portsmouth) in about 2 1/2 weeks, and not knowing what products will be available, and how my hair will react to the climate change has me

So if you can tell me how to a) get my hair to and maintain at least a normal porosity level, b) what you think about the BC idea (though to be honest, I'll do what I want regardless), and c) anything you can tell me about UK Haircare (BSSs, Salons, etc)preferably close to Portsmouth, it would be more than greatly appreciated.

Kinda having that
:drowning: feeling right now and could really use you ladies help. If you need any more info to help with your responses PLEASE don't hesitate to ask. The pics were included so you have an idea of my hair type and current situation.

Here's a little background taken from the "Hair lets you know when to BC?" link for those of you that don't care to click:

My last relaxer was in February, and I had planned to transition for maybe a year- year and a half before I cut off the relaxed ends. I'm starting a new degree and will be leaving for university in England in about two weeks, so at the beginning of the summer I changed my mind and said I would BC in December for my birthday (26th)/ New Years. New school, new year, new me kind of thing.

Now that it's just about the end of the summer, I'm feeling as though I want to BC NOW. Every time I get around scissors... Even started a thread about it: Transitioning + Scissors = BC? (there are pics by the way :grin: I know how y'all are suckers for pics :lachen:).

When I touch my hair there are relaxed pieces breaking off. No matter how much moisturizing/ deep conditioning, how many protein treatments, how many ACV rinses I do, the hair won't stop breaking now. I'm starting to think this is God's way of telling me to BC; hence the question, "Do you think your hair lets you know when it's time to BC?"

Thanks for taking the time to read all this, hopefully you all can help me out!

This is what my hair USED to look like:


and where we are today at six months post w/ MAJOR breakage :sad::











Thanks again!
OP I got kind of confused about your exact question but I'll try to help.
My hair also used to have porosity issues. I use porosity control every 6 weeks or so and that has pretty much cleared it up. Sometimes I use it w/heat. I really like adding it to my DC, I can always tell when my hair is having porosity issues. After a porosity treatment my hair is always much easier to detangle. You may want to try clarifying before doing the porosity treatment.

In terms of transitioning I experienced breakage after about 6 months as well. I would suggest making sure you keep the new growth well moisturized as natural hair can have a tendency to be dryer. Wear hair styles more similar to your natural/curly texture like braid outs, straw sets etc... I also found slicking my hair down w/the scarf method helped. I may be a bad example though because after 6 months of transitioning I got fed up and chopped my hair off :blush:

Stay encouraged! Maybe consider getting braids or a style to hide your hair for a while if it will be easier for you to leave it alone.
Sorry about that Ms Lala, didn't mean to leave you all :huh:.

The main issue for me in that post was the porosity and you did a REALLY good job of answering that question. Thank you. :bighug: Most def going to find me some Porosity Control tomorrow. Looking forward to being able to detangle again!

Also seriously considering this BC next week as well, so I may just follow your lead with a chop after 6 months. I'm thinking of having someone row the sides and rocking a mohawk for a while. :grin:

Will keep you posted. Thanks again!