Help...Pentecostal Church


Active Member
I was invited to a Pentecostal church and I'm a little worried about what I should/shouldn't wear. I normally wear skirts/dresses to church anyway, so I'm not too worried about that, I just don't want to offend anyone.....
Can anyone let me know the types of clothing they wear to service?
I attend a Pentecostal church however, we no longer have dressing "restrictions."

Honestly, I would just advise you to wear a skirt or a dress (no red, nice length and not too form fitting). Pants were the biggest "no, no" that I could remember.
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I was going to say talk to the person who invited you and ask them if there is a specific 'dress code' (for lack of a better way to say it) in place for their services. That answer would vary from place to place.
I was going to say talk to the person who invited you and ask them if there is a specific 'dress code' (for lack of a better way to say it) in place for their services. That answer would vary from place to place. really depends on the church.
It depends on the type of pentecostal church. I'm currently searching for a new church but for the last 15 years I've attend an Assemblies of God church which is under the pentecostal umbrella and there is absolutely no dress code. Pants, jeans, t shirts, dresses, red, black, purple, etc. People even wear shorts and flip flops. Most of the women wear makeup and cut their hair. Even though its a conservative church, (mostly white republican) it's fairly laid back, the boys and girls from the youth group even sit together.

The person that invited you should have given you a heads up on the dresscode if there were any really big no nos at his or her church so its mostly likely a come as you are at least w visitors. But your friend is the best person to ask. You should also ask your friend about what to expect during the service. I wouldn't want you to be unprepared. Have fun though, I hope you enjoy it!