Help...Out of control NG


New Member
Hey ladies, so I have been using BT now consistently for about a month now and my NG is coming in very quickly however, I have noticed that my hair has become very very very dry and is shedding more than normal. Usually I would do a heavy protein treatment, but I colored my hair last week with Bigen (the start of my problems) and I am a little scared to do a protein tx. I just finished washing and DC'ing but I can tell already that my hair is still brittle. What should I do now? Plus detangling has been a hot mess of late, I can't detangle as well as I should b/c the NG is so thick. I know a lot of you ladies use CON, is it really that good of a product, I am currently using the Sally's Generic Nexxus Humectress, LeKair Mango Cholesterol, and Giovanni leave in.
It sounds like you are having a moisture/protein balance issue where you need to do some deep moisturizing treatments and lay off the protein. Let me see if I can find the link to the thread that explains this VERY well.