
New Member
HI LADIES !!!! :nono:I have this MINOR problem. The left side of my hair is noticeably shorter than the right. I have been using MT and moisturising that side DAILY. I have tried to leave it alone and let it grow by use of weaves for a long time. I need this to stop because it is very un encouraging. The rest of my hair is growing fine and I dont know what to do with that part of my hair. :perplexed

Also I am getting a touch up today at the salon. Does any one have any suggestions to prep my hair for my salon visit.

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I've been complaining about your problem for some time. What I intend to do when I start relaxing again is to protect my hair from overlapping by using Vaseline or one of the Profectiv products to protect my relax ends. I believe my left side was shorter because I self-relax and I use to apply the relaxer to the left side first at every touch-up without protecting my relaxed ends. I truly believe that was the case. So I believe at your next touchup remember to apply vaseline, conditioner or something to protect your fragile relaxed ends.
There are two possible reasons for your short side:
1) Mechanical damage--are you manipulating one side differently from the other? Do you sleep on one side and not the other? It is possible that you are getting different results due to different treatment of the sides.

2) However, I think it is more likely that they are simply growing at different rates. If this is the case, don't even it up unless you have to because the short side might catch up and you will have lost length for nothing, especially if it just grows back in the same way.

As far as suggestions on pre-salon treatments--what are you having done in the salon?
Wear your hair in curly styles until you feel ready to even both sides.

I have issues with an inverted U-shape to my hair. No matter how much or often I get the sides cut, they always catch up with the back. So it's twist-outs and other curls until I reach goal.
ITA with ^^^ my left side grows faster than my left side, so until I feel like my hair is long enough to make that sacrifice of cutting, I just can't wear it out where it's noticeable (like straight, but I don't straighten anyway *kanyeshrug*) so unless you want to cut, then I would say, don't straighten it.
Misseyl- I used to self relax but I stopped that about 6-7 months ago. and I do believe that, I was relaxing that side first. Also I wll use Vaseline or one of the Profectiv products. I have some Profectiv products at home already.

prettypithy- I do tend to sleep on my left side nightly. But ironicly i think I fiddle with the right side more. Also i have slowed down on wrapping my hair and only pin curling when i need to retain a curl. And I will be getting a touch up at the salon with a DC.
Do you wrap your hair in a cone?

I know this was my reason for one side shorter than the other, my right side was always longer than the left. Then when I tried to switch it didn't look right... I stop wrapping all together..
Miss*Tress & itsjusthair88 was thinking about that and doing pin curls for 2-3 weeks and then a braid out or twist out after that. If I do the curls I would want to get a pack of hair to clip in for photoshoots.(I model so I have to have some length for the photo shoot.) Would anyone have any suggestions for a type of hair.
I found that my left side was more coarse and wiry than the rest of my hair. This made it more susceptible to breakage and shrinakge, making it appear that my hair grew at a different rate. I especially had that issue when I would wrap my hair every night in the same direction. Once I realized the problem, I just made sure to handle that area with a bit more care it started retaining a lot better.
what side do you wear your purse on? I always thought one side of my head grew faster than the other until I realized the difference in the ends. Check out your seatbelt and where it hits your hair and check out how your hair hits your purse when you put it on your shoulder. I mostly wear my purse on my right side, but because of my equilibrium, how my hair hangs, or some other reason whenever I wore it on my left side it was always on my hair. It's alllll in the details lol
JusMarieJolie -Ureka, I have got it. I do wear my purse on my left side and I am always pulling it out of the strap. I have to keep an eye on this and on all things I do. All the details count , jeeze y didn't i figure this out.

I will be getting a touch up tomorrow and I will post pics.

which direction did you used to wrap? i used to wrap from left to right when i was relaxed, and the left side was always shorter.
your hair could just naturally grow like that. i know my hair does. no biggie. don't worry about. just wear parted styles or curls.
OP, I've had the same problem as well and it would just drive me crazy! I think the other ladies' suggestions concerning watching out for things that would cause stress or breakage to your left side is a good step.

Keep up the moisturizing and TLC, and just give it some time. If it is due to different growth rates, then just let it be. When you're ready, a little trim doesn't hurt either.

Also, consider your daily water intake, and vitamins/supplements. Our nutrition can definitely play a role in our hair health.
