Help! Not so Newly Natural..BC?


New Member
Hey Guys,

I have read many many posts and I don't think this question has been in asked this way recently. After years and years of abuse perms, braids, weaves I'm finally dedicated some time to pamper me and getting control of everything I can control in my life including my hair. I've taken a lot of suggestions and advise from you ladies and I have notice an extreme difference in my retention and hair length but it seems the quality of my hair is off, if that makes sense.

I haven't had a perm in over 2yrs and never bc'd but do to breakage and my recent trims and dusting I'm pretty sure that I don't have any perm left in my hair but it still feels extra dry and lackluster. I have fine strands and have combination 3c/4a hair (I think it doesn't fully straighten and if I cough it immediately begins to revert into a curly fro). I currently wear weaves as a protective measure and oil my scalp with some suggestions I got here Megatek, coconut oil, wild growth oil, and a slew of other things, I also take Nioxin now but just started that.

My question is if I BC now will the quality of my hair change possibly. Have any of you waited this long and decided to start over again, since I always wear wigs and weaves noone will really know I cut my hair anyway so I'll miss my hair but won't suffer the family/ friend q and a session.
Well, I think I follow you. You plan on doing a big cut when you remove your weave?

I did basically the same thing back in 2008. I removed my weave then cut the last of my strings (hair) off into a shorter style. Basically for me, as the actual health of my hair improved, it got thicker, my curls popped more evenly and it was no longer dry or dry-looking.

The main thing is, what are you looking to have happen with your BC? esp since you are planning on hiding it after the fact.
So, I think you will notice a difference in your hair as nurse it back to health.
how often do you wash and condition your hair? cutting your hair seems redundant if you are just experiencing lack of moisture.
Cutting doesn't have to be your only option. If lackluster hair is the only reason you are going to cut it I say try some other things first. What is your regimen when you are not in a weaved style?
I think (if I read correctly) you may have what some people call "scab hair" it's the rough hair that grows after a relaxer. I don't know much about it but I know it's there.

I think if your hair is feeling horrible, go ahead and do another BC.
Thanks ladies, I just need some inspiration here. I pretty much pre oil my hair for an hour or two and then poo with deva curl * low sulfate shampoo* and either use joico kpak or skala avocado condish. I use aPhogee 2 two step about twice a year. I have tried porosity control condish as well.

Selah339, I think it maybe something like that "scab hair" it just doesn't feel "right".

I have worn back to back weaves for the last 2 yrs with wig breaks in between. I have worn my hair out (meaning no additions) maybe a total of 2 weeks in the last 2 yrs. I also have worn bun styles w/ ext maybe a total of 2 months over the last 2yrs other than that its been braided into a weave or worn under a wig.

I'm going to try to incorporate daily oil massages and sealing with coconut oil. What's a good regimen to get the moisture back into my hair for my hair type.
Have you ever thought that you are not used to your hair? What does it normally feel like? Was it soft and now feels rough? I had a friend who went natural but never really "got to know" he hair. She ended up relaxing. I don't think you should cut. I think you should take the time to experiment with your own hair. It takes a while but once you get the hang of it you'll know what's best for your hair. Good luck.