Help needed!!


Active Member
Hi guys,
I finally got a picture of how my hair looks presently and i've posted it on picturetrail so that you guys could see exactly how it is and help me out. when u check it out, you will notice how thin it is. My hair type is 4A/B and i would appreciate any help and suggestions given me on how to make it fuller, healthier, longer and so on.

Please check it out and help me out. I need help.

It is at and the mamber name is angelica2u.

Gurl your hair looks good...if it's working for you, keep it up

If not post specifically what you feel you need to work on i.e. dry ends, thinning get my drift.

It looks like you have nice hair. You also have great skin and it's a beautiful color. If you feel like your hair is thinner than you'd like it to be, some of the ladies take Pantothenic Acid/ Vitamin B5 which thickens any new hair. To thicken the hair you already have, products with panthenol are suitable.
Thanks a lot guys for the compliments and suggestions. Thats very flattering.

I'll try what you said.

Thanks again.