HELP NEEDED: Dry Itchy scalp after Cassia/Henna - Deep Conditioner Advice


New Member
First, let me say that I'm a natural. Not sure if it makes a difference or not! I have only deep conditioned once and it was with the Curls Asian Tea Conditioner, which I find out I'm allergic to Aloe. That was a couple weeks ago. Well, I used Cassia/Henna Saturday and my scalp is itchy! Very flakes just itchy. I think my scalp is dry because my hair at the roots felt stripped. I used Giovanna Tea Tree Treat Conditioner mixed with Coconut after the Cassia/Henna and I thought I was fine. But, I'm sitting at work scratching my head continuously. I'm going after work to Whole Foods to get Tea Tree Oil and Jojoba Oil. Just not sure what to do with them and I know I need to Deep Condition, but don't know what product to purcahse being I've only bought one Deep Conditioner.

Any advice you ladies can give would be appreciated.
Safflower oil and flaxseed oil are good for dry scalp.

Hopefully you're not having an allergic reaction from the Cassia/Henna. Maybe you can see a dermatologist if you have no luck with the oils?
First, let me say that I'm a natural. Not sure if it makes a difference or not! I have only deep conditioned once and it was with the Curls Asian Tea Conditioner, which I find out I'm allergic to Aloe. That was a couple weeks ago. Well, I used Cassia/Henna Saturday and my scalp is itchy! Very flakes just itchy. I think my scalp is dry because my hair at the roots felt stripped. I used Giovanna Tea Tree Treat Conditioner mixed with Coconut after the Cassia/Henna and I thought I was fine. But, I'm sitting at work scratching my head continuously. I'm going after work to Whole Foods to get Tea Tree Oil and Jojoba Oil. Just not sure what to do with them and I know I need to Deep Condition, but don't know what product to purcahse being I've only bought one Deep Conditioner.

Any advice you ladies can give would be appreciated.

You've used too many products that can be drying to the scalp and that's why your scalp is itchy.

Massage your scalp with EVOO or coconut oil to dampened hair - apply a warm moist towel or use a electric conditioning cap for 30 minutes.
Rinse and slather on a moisturizing conditioner. Here are some of my favorites:

Wen (order online - the Fig flavor is the most moisturizing)
Humectress (local stores)
ORS Replenishing Pack (local stores)
Pantene Relaxed & Natural Breakage Defense Mask (local stores)
SitriNilla Mask by Hairveda (online)
This happened to me the first time i used henna. I washed my hair with conditioner a couple of times and it stopped itching. I think maybe i just didn't wash the henna out completely and it was irritating my scalp.
yep i have to make sure i wash the henna out REAL GOOD cause it got very itchy around my neck. then i use ors to deep con with and its much better. i only can use ors to get my hair back on track after a henna treatment heck i had to buy a shower stool to sit on to get that henna out my hair right lol. one drop of that stuff left on my head makes it very itchy. i was praying i didnt lose hair thats how scared i got feel like sand paper on my scalp now i know better lo,l
Thank you ladies. I bought a deep conditioner by Giovannai at Whole Foods and mixed with EVOO, honey and Jojoba Oil and my scalp thanked me!! I rinsed it out this morning and put it in twist today to let it breathe!