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birdie said:Hello Ladies I'm a mother of two I have been seperated since 2002 from my husband. We did not get married in the church he is Muslim. We were young when we got married. Since then we have become kinda friends for the sake of our children. We just were not able to share a healthy relationahip as a couple. I have been feeling bad about filing for divorce because I have not tried to make it work. But what is even worse is that I do not want to. I do not like who I am with him,he has alot of anger and is hard to communicate with as a husband. But as friends we can limit some things we have to deal with of course so it is easier. I am 25 now we've been seprated for almost 5 years and I'm so different from who I was when we were together. My question is am I wrong in God's eyes for not wanting to stayed married and wanting to be in a more healthy relationship?
AMEN to this go to God for questions because He got answers some may be able to give sound advice but every body's circumstance is different.Shimmie said:Birdie, this is 'totally' between you and God. By talking it out here is good; for we can hold you up in prayer to hear God with a keen ear and heart. But you have to pray it out; give birth to God's answer.
Consecrate yourself alone to be with God in prayer and fasting. Staying in the word for that time and afterwards.
I am 'sensing' that you are ready to just move on and that's good and it is healthy. You're tired of being stagnant and not getting anywhere in this area of your life and you want to move on. This is how God designed us and it's called 'growth'. None of us are meant to stay the same or we will die, spiritually and eventually in the natural.
God's word says, "Without a Vision (something to look forward to; set goals for), we perish. A leper even said in God's word, "Why sit we here til we die, let's move on." And as they moved on, they found life.
I only shared this to give you comfort and the backing of God's word for your feelings to put 'closure' to this area of your life. You have committed no sin, whatsoever in wanting to make the change. For you are truly long overdue to move on to the next level in life that God has for you. You truly have a Destiny and Purpose beyond this.
So, this brings us back to prayer. "Lord, show me my Destiny; show me th path wherein I should walk; give me the words wherewith I should talk. From you I receive, the mind of Christ and the heart of wisdom...you Father God, the wisdom of you. For in you, there is no room for doubt."
See how God moves you and note every jot and tittle of each word, sentence or phrase that God gives you. Even in songs; for God is not limited in His methods of speaking to us.
I will share this from God's word: I Corinthians 7:12-16)
To the rest I say this (I, not the Lord): If any brother has a wife who is not a believer and she is willing to live with him, he must not divorce her.
And if a woman has a husband who is not a believer and he is willing to live with her, she must not divorce him.
For the unbelieving husband has been sanctified through his wife, and the unbelieving wife has been sanctified through her believing husband. Otherwise your children would be unclean, but as it is, they are holy.
But if the unbeliever leaves, let him do so. A believing man or woman is not bound in such circumstances; God has called us to live in peace.
How do you know, wife, whether you will save your husband? Or, how do you know, husband, whether you will save your wife?
Between you and God alone, you will have the answer that gives you peace. God has a way of making things easier for us than we thought possible. But then, that's all because of who He is...our God.
My love to you, angel. Be at total peace for God never fails to lead us in the paths of righteousness for His namesake. His namesake, not ours. He bears the burden, so that we don't have to.
MindTwister said:Excuse me Birdie for using your post to ask my question, but I really want to know, what exactly does the Bible say about divorce? Are there any scriptures besides 1 Corithians 7?
MindTwister said:Thanks Shimmie, will take a look at the link I also did a search for the word "divorce" on the site biblegetaway.com and found some other scriptures. In moments like these I realize I really NEED to attend some Bible study classes...
Why are you about to make me shed some tearsShimmie said:"MindTwister", you are in such a beautiful place...'hungry' for learning more about the God you love and serve. Did you know that this is more than about Bible Study? Oh yes it is.
For you're actually being 'courted' and 'wooed' by Someone who's smitten by you. Wooed by Someone who delights in your company; Someone who loves having you around...Your Father in Heaven. Oh yes.
He looked down and said,
"Wow, look at my beautiful child , I want to spend more time with her. I want to give her the gift of knowing more of Me and just how much I love her. I have so much more in store for her and this is her special time to spend with only Me."
Jesus smiled at the Father and nodded, "Dad, I totally agree." Holy Spirit arose and said, " I will bring her unto thee." The Father said, "Tell her, I'm here waiting and I'll do so patientlly, for this child of mine, my daughter, lives deep within the heart of me. I love her, let's draw her, protect her life and her dreams, for it's my life that dwells within her, for all to see."
"My daughter...my child is asking to know me. This makes my heart proud. My daughter wants to learn more of me."
God bless you MindTwister...
MindTwister said:Why are you about to make me shed some tears
Thanks a lot Shimmie for those words, thanks for your availability and your help. I am at a place where I'm looking for a place of fellowship, the right Church because it's nice to read your word at home (which I'm not yet consistant with), but doing it in group, being guided through it, is something I really want.
The Word of God is a Word of Peace and it's amazing how peaceful I sometimes feel. I was telling someone saturday that sometimes I'm walking and have this smile on my face and I'm sure folks wonder what in Heaven's name is wrong with me
I just want the Lord to make me whole, to guide, to be fully in control.. I desire so much..
MindTwister said:Thank you Shimmie