Help!! need Rx for tragic rollerset


New Member
I just finished rollersetting my hair. Normally I use large magnetic rollers with the covers and its no problem. Today I used to huge rollers and tried to secure them with bobby pins. I've failed at this time and time again, and today is probably the worst job I've ever done

Some places I couldn't get the roller tight enough so its going to be wavy/frizzy there...
Its still damp...what should I do when its dry?
Wrap it for tonight using a smoothing serum, in the morning unwrap and if it is still frizzy, flat iron.
Karezone gave the best tip for your problem. next time, just say no to bobbypins. Use clips instead
Karezone's tip ended up being the best. Since I was actually going out later, when I took all the rollers out, I used a flat iron on low heat to touch up the crown, I smooth some serum throughout and then I tied it down with a silk scarf until I left. It ended up being decent after all!

How do you use clips with large rollers?