HELP!! Need Relaxer Advice


New Member
Hmm, where do I start...well basically I am not sure what is the best thing to do for the future of my hair. First of all, I started relaxing my hair again way back in November and I have been using a mild relaxer each time, either Motions of Creme of Nature. Initially, I used a mild relaxer when I was texturizing, but in November when I decided I wanted to wear my hair straight again, I just continued to use a mild relaxer but I would leave it in longer.
Well it seems as though lately, my hair hasn't been taking mild relaxers too well. It almost feels as though I didn't even relax my hair, and I leave the relaxers in for a long time. I end up using a flat iron more often than I would like to and the new growth is a little difficult to handle. Is it possible that my hair is becoming more resistant? If so, could this be due to the improved health of my hair? Does anyone else have this problem? If so, what did you do to solve it.
I know this is a lot, but I am so scared to go back to using a regular strength relaxer. But everytime I relax, I feel like I want to relax my hair again within two or three weeks (I have been trying to stretch it to at least six weeks). I would like to stretch the relaxers to twelve weeks, but I can barely handle stretching it to six weeks. What should I do? Any advice is greatly appreciated.
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So has nobody had this problem? I feel kinda desperate here. :perplexed Can anyone at least recommend a good regular strength relaxer that doesn't make the hair bone straight and does not burn?
Although I am can not help you be assured that another poster or posters will respond to your question. Sometimes it just a matter of the right people coming online with suggestions to respond. Many have viewed but did not respond because they had no advice.
hi tigi, were the relaxers you were using lye or no-lye? i was using no-lye for about two years and noticed my hair was getting drier and i was relaxing every 5 weeks! after searching threads on this forum i think maybe the no-lye relaxer is the culprit and am switching. i have already been stretching my relaxer to about 8 weeks and it is much softer. i will let you know how things turn out. don't give up yet ;)
Hi tigi,

How do you maintain your hair in between relaxers? Are you rollersetting your hair? I would rollerset and then either blowdry or flat iron the roots to get the textures to match. I can't really give too much advice on the relaxer end, but I would suggest you do a search on some of the other stretching techniques that ladies use here. Perhaps using a good moisturizing conditioner will help you to manage the difference in textures. I hope that helps.
It sounds like you need a stronger relaxer to get the results you want. I like Mizani. A lot of people like Photorelaxer also on here.
Thanks for all of the advice. I really appreciate it. It looks like I will be trying a regular strength relaxer this time. Thanks again so much :grin: !!