Help! Natural Gurus! My Mommy's Regimen!!!


Positive Vibrations
CALLING ALL NATURALS!!! I need your help!

Background: My mommy has suffered from extreme thinning and balding because she never knew how to take care of her hair and kept wearing glue in weaves, never moisturizing, and not washing for months at a time :)blush:I know!).....She was relaxed but she just chopped it off in frustration and she's going to be natural for a while, until her hair is back to full health.
I haven't been natural since age 12 and I don't know how to take care of it or what products to use.

What I need is a basic regimen and basic products for her hair.


(She'll be using CV Shampoo Bars)
Conditioner (She'll be using CV Soap Bars, Can we have one more suggestion?)
Good DC?
Good Moisturizer?

Good Leave In?
Which Sealant? (Shea Butter or Coconut Oil)
For Thickening: JBCO & Megatek

Whats a basic Regimen you think will be best to thicken her hair back up that's not too complicated!


(She'll be using CV Shampoo Bars)
Conditioner (She'll be using CV Soap Bars, Can we have one more suggestion?) Hmmm. I always found Oyin Honey Hemp conditioner to be a great conditioner and it doubles as a moisturizer. Their shipping takes a while but it's worth it.
Good DC? Giovanni Smooth as Silk Deeper Moisture conditioner is a great DC. You can also use this as a cowash conditioner. I love this conditioner. You can find it at whole foods, and they usually have coupons. Seriously, it smells good and it gives great moisture and strength. You can leave it on overnight with a plastic cap and rinse out in the morning.
Good Moisturizer? I used to use Oyin Honey Hemp. Now I just use water sealed with castor oil. Oyin whipped pudding is great too. You could also use a bit of the Giovanni.
Good Leave In? I don't know the difference between a leave in and a moisturizer.
Which Sealant? (Shea Butter or Coconut Oil) Or regular castor oil. But all these are great.
For Thickening: JBCO & Megatek

Whats a basic Regimen you think will be best to thicken her hair back up that's not too complicated!

I haven't seen any proof that castor oil can actually make hair thicker. Henna (and cassia) can, though henna has longer lasting effects. You could use either as a conditioner. I've never used Megatek.

I think with consistent, good care your mom's hair will be thicker because she'll be keeping more of it on her head. Would she be open to using all natural products? The caramel treatment is a great DC that really moisturizes.

Anyway, I think she should try to protective style as much as possible (if she has enough hair). And make sure she sleeps with a bonnet or scarf on so that her hair doesn't get dried out during the night.
Thank You so much msa! And with the state of her hair, she is open to anything I put on it.
I think a good leave- in is Jamaican Mango and Lime, HE LTR leave-in or Carol's Daughter Hair Milk.
I have to ask.

Has her hair stop breaking since the cut or is it still in need of possibly a protein treatment and deep conditioning?

Will she put the time in to do all these steps or do you need to keep it real simple?

For example will she wash her hair more than once a week or at least that? I would maybe suggest cowashing since it is one step versus washing then conditioning.

I would create or purchase or a daily spray moisturizer she can use since she is wearing a short....fro?!!?

Start her off with simple steps first and then add more steps as she gets use to it and starts to see progress.

If she can deep condition once a week to start of with when she does one of her washes or cowashes for like 3-6 weeks and keep it moisturized she will have a good foundation to build off of.

Also look up Moe's Growth oil recipe or just purchase jojoba oil so she can use that on her spots that are really thin. Or you can add it and give her a good massage on her scalp regularly.

Pull up some of the natural fotki's to see who is close to her hair twin and start mimicing some of their routines when she gets use to doing this.

Show her some of them it may get her interested and see the results of ladies going from short hair to longer hair.

Best wishes to you.
I have to ask.

Has her hair stop breaking since the cut or is it still in need of possibly a protein treatment and deep conditioning?

She still needs some treatments, it just needs care to grow back healthy

Will she put the time in to do all these steps or do you need to keep it real simple?

Well, she's a beginner and very busy so it can be moderate, you know...Wash and DC 1x weekly, protective style daily and moisturize daily.

For example will she wash her hair more than once a week or at least that? I would maybe suggest cowashing since it is one step versus washing then conditioning.

She won't co-wash yet, she's resisitent. She needs to see results first.

I would create or purchase or a daily spray moisturizer she can use since she is wearing a short....fro?!!?

Thanks...I'll look into that

Start her off with simple steps first and then add more steps as she gets use to it and starts to see progress.

Thats the plan

If she can deep condition once a week to start of with when she does one of her washes or cowashes for like 3-6 weeks and keep it moisturized she will have a good foundation to build off of.

This is my thought also.

Also look up Moe's Growth oil recipe or just purchase jojoba oil so she can use that on her spots that are really thin. Or you can add it and give her a good massage on her scalp regularly.


Pull up some of the natural fotki's to see who is close to her hair twin and start mimicing some of their routines when she gets use to doing this.

Show her some of them it may get her interested and see the results of ladies going from short hair to longer hair.

Best wishes to you.

Thank You and my answers are in the bolded.
What I need is a basic regimen and basic products for her hair.


Shampoo (She'll be using CV Shampoo Bars) or Suave diluted w/water
Conditioner (She'll be using CV Soap Bars, Can we have one more suggestion?) Giovanni Direct Smooth As Silk, and Aubrey Organics Honeysuckle Rose,
Good DC? Honey should be the base, with an egg/mayo, castor oil, adding any cheapie (Suave/White Rain/VO5) or something more expensive from hairveda or whoever you want to this to thicken under a dryer for 30mins
Good Moisturizer? Hairveda whipped cream 3in1 or Qhemet's Heavy Cream
Good Leave In? Giovanni Direct or Smooth As Silk, Qhemet Detangling Cream
Which Sealant? (Shea Butter or Coconut Oil) Coconut Oil or EVOO
For Thickening: JBCO & Megatek, JBCO

Whats a basic Regimen you think will be best to thicken her hair back up that's not too complicated!


Tell her not to comb/manipulate her hair that much. Just on wash days. If she must manipulate it tell her to use her fingers. And do Deep Conditioning Treatments weekly or bi-weekly. She should be good to go!
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I think thats a great idea for her to wear it in its natural state for 6 months or so!.... I wore weaves for about 10 years and had a bald spot from it and some breakage... here is what i would suggest to grow hair back and restore health:

~DC 1x or 2x week ( this is a must)
~Use Moisturixing Shampoo (but no more th 1x week)
~Use a good Leave in or spray shine daily ( this will help her hair from drying during day)
~Message scalp daily or as much as possible
~Invest in some essential oils thats can be rubbed into scalp
~She should sleep with her hair loosly braided at night and tight w/ a scarf, if its too short than just tie with a scarf

~Protein treatment
~DC w/ heat at least an hour

Product lines
VO5 ( leave-in, detangler, shine~ good for daily use)
Hollywood Beauty products (cholesterol, mayonaise, olive oil mayonaise..these are good secondary products)

** good cheepies**
Loreal Vive Hydra Gloss (Great great product)

The key is to stimulate and maintain little manipulation and scalp messaging will really help. Oh and it is absoully essential to invest in a good product line..or at least a GOOD CONTIONER...TRUST ME!
