HELP! My right side is shorter and weaker!!!!


New Member
After my touch up I was happy to have awesome progress, but the right side is so much weaker, shorter and more see-thru. I wouldn't let him cut the long side up to match the right, but when I washed and assessed I actually dusted off the tip on the left side so it wouldn't look so much longer. I'm DC'ing and moisturizing like crazy, but wondering if the right side will EVER get me to BSL, much less is just such a different texture, seems to grow slower.

I've been selectively applying the Megatek to my scalp on that side to help it catch up.

Anybody here ever have that problem and found a way to solve it?

The hairstylist says that almost everybody has one side stronger than the other and that he believes it is from habitually sleeping on the side. Interesting he also said that hair grows at night and that the scalp need oxygen, so that if you sleep always in that spot, the scalp never gets the oxygen it needs to grow at optimal rate.

Help appreciated.
I have the same exact problem. And I'm actually just as stubborn as you. I refuse to let the stylist cut my hair to match the right side.

In my case your stylist is right. For years I always slept on the right side of my head because I woud fall asleep watchign tv which was on the right of my bed. I recently remodeled my room and moved the tv so I know I sleep on the left side of my haid. Since then my right said is slowly but surely coming back to life. I alwasy always make sure my right side is well moisturized. And moisturize my scalp.
I have the same issue with my right side. I would like to know too. :yep:
I refuse to cut and thought of applying mega tek on that side more so than the left hoping it would catch up also.
Do any of you ladies wrap your hair? My left side is thinner, weaker and much shorter than my right side because for a year + I wrapped my hair in one direction. I always wrapped to the right, causing tension on the left side of my hair
My right side was quite thin and weak and see through several years ago, and turns out it was from wrapping in the same direction for many, many years. Once I stopped doing that, my hair thickened up substantially and now its even. I have pics in my album of this, if you wanna check it out.
Do any of you ladies wrap your hair? My left side is thinner, weaker and much shorter than my right side because for a year + I wrapped my hair in one direction. I always wrapped to the right, causing tension on the left side of my hair

No. I put my hair in about 3 - 5 twists covered with a satin cap at night, and I never part them in the same place so that I don't start to favor one side or the other.

Don't know what else to do.