Help! My PEREFECT regimen...


New Member
I've been working on this ever since I've joined! Please tell me is there ANYTHING that should be changed? Any products that I'm using wrong, am I using it too much or too little of it? Anything that I can add or subtract? Any little thing that's wrong, would you please point it out?

I'm pleased to say that since visiting this board, I cut a lot of my hair off, but I have never enjoyed hair as healthy as it is now in my whole life. I'm retaining almost 100% of all new growth (making noticable growth in just a month) and having very small amounts of breakage shedding and splits... and I'm happy! :band2: :blondboob

So here it is...

Aphogee Shampoo for Damaged Hair
Suave Clarifying Shampoo
Neutrogena Triple Moisture Shampoo
Isoplus Neutralizing Shampoo

Moisturizing Conditioners
Cream of Nature Nourishing Conditioner
Hollywood Beauty Olive Oil Cholesterol
Luster’s Pink RevitaLEX Conditioner
Lustrasilk Aloe Cholesterol
Lustrasilk Herbal Cholesterol
Lekair Cholesterol (Peach Color)
Miss Key’s 10 en 1
Parneavu Hair Mayo
Porosity Control Conditioner
V05 Moisture Milks Conditioners

Protein Conditioners
Aphogee 2 Minute Reconstructor
Elasta QP Breakage Control Serum

Leave in Conditioners/Moisturizers
Herbal Essences Leave-in Conditioner
Hollywood Beauty Carrot Creme
Surge Moisture Aide
Worlds of Curls Curl Activator Gel

Gels/Styling Products
Elasta QP Design Foam
Fantasia IC Hair Polisher Gel (Hard to hold)
Garnier Fructis Curl Construct Mousse

Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Vitale Mo’ Body Essential Oils
Vitamin E Oil

Apple Cider Vinegar
Distilled Water
Elasta QP Silk Heat Protectant
PCJ Lye Relaxer Kit


1) I Wash my hair every 3 days. I alternate conditioner washes with V05 Moisture Milks conditioner mixed with distilled water (half water, half conditioner) and gentle shampoos (Neutrogena Triple Moisture Shampoo). I do a conditioner wash by first putting conditioner through my dry hair, then rinsing it out very well.


3) After every shampoo/conditioner wash, I deep condition with one of the moisturizing conditioners with 1 tablespoon of olive oil and 1 tablespoon of honey mixed in for an hour under a plastic cap with no heat added. Once a week I use a gold conditioning cap in addition to the plastic cap for the same amount of time.


3a) Around the middle of the month, I use Aphogee’s shampoo for damaged hair to gently clarify my hair, then deep condition with Elasta QP Breakage Control Serum for 20 minutes using a heating cap or soft bonnet on low heat.

Around the end of the month, I use Suave clarifying shampoo to deep clean my hair. I deep condition with a mixture of Porosity Control Conditioner and Aphogee 2-minute Reconstructor for 20 minutes using a heating cap on low heat.

On both days after the protein treatment, I use a moisturizing deep conditioner mixed with honey, olive oil and a half of a teaspoon of vitamin E oil for 30 minutes under a low heating cap.


4) I rinse the deep conditioner out of my hair. If it was a conditioner wash, I do a weak apple cider vinegar rinse (1 quart of distilled water to 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar). I do an acv rinse by first getting 2 bowls. I put the rinse in one bowl, then put the other under me to catch the runoff. I pour the mixture in my hair and let it run into one of the bowls, then I take that bowl, put the empty bowl underneath and do it again. I do that 3 times.

5) I section my hair into 4 sections and apply leave in conditioner (Surge Moisture Aide), oil (a mix of the 2 oils that I use), Hollywood Beauty Carrot Creme on the ends, and on humid or rainy days I use Garnier Fructis Curl Construct Mousse.


6) AIR DRY: I put IC Gel on the hairline to smooth it after I‘ve applied all my products.

To maintain that style I dampen my hair with diluted leave-in conditioner (Herbal Essences) and apply moisturizer, oil and curl activator gel at night and sleep in two strand twists. In the morning I unravel my twists, wet my hair with diluted leave in and add a small amount of curl activator gel and oil.

7) WET SET: I use Elasta QP Design Foam in addition to my other products. I don’t use any mousse or curl activator gel. I air dry overnight.

To maintain that style I dampen and moisturize my hair by re-rolling my hair nightly with diluted leave in conditioner, moisturizer and oil.

8) FLAT IRON/PRESSING: I use Surge Moisture Aide , oil, moisturizer and heat protectant (Elasta QP Silk). I don’t use any curl activator gel or mousse.

9) I do a wet set on magnetic rollers and air dry overnight.

10) I press/flat iron my hair section by section to make it silky straight, then I roll my hair up in magnetic rollers for volume and a little curl.

11) To maintain that style I roll up my hair every night and apply a drop of oil to each section.


12) I put conditioner and neutralizing shampoo (One of my cholesterols mixed with Isoplus Neutralizing Shampoo) on the previously relaxed hair and begin...

I section my hair from ear to ear. I begin with the front section. I apply the relaxer (PCJ Lye) to the new growth only, smooth it (the total time of application and smoothing is 25 minutes). I rinse the front part of my head only, then I apply the conditioner that comes with the relaxer for 10 minutes. I then apply neutralizing shampoo and rinse it out. I lather up once more and leave it in while I relax the rest of my hair.

I relax the back the same way that I do the front, then I rinse well and apply the conditioner to all of my hair for 10 minutes. Then I neutralize my whole head completely (I lather up with neutralizing shampoo and keep it in for 5 minutes-three times). I finish by deep conditioning with one of my moisturizing conditioners mixed with honey, evoo and vitamin E oil. Most times I then do a wet set and air dry. I may let my hair air dry naturally.

13) I relax my hair every 3 months.

*note-My hair isn’t fully relaxed, I would say that it’s very texturized. I also only use heat just a few times a year for special occasions.
To me it sounds like you are off to a good start. Why don't you stick with this plan for now and take mental notes on what works for your hair and what doesn't.
OOOOHHH! And I thought I was a product junkie! :lol: Your regimen looks solid...just stick with what works-sometimes hair responds better to consistency.
Wow! Your regime is very extensive. Sounds good! Hope it works for you and your hair! Happy hair growing! :antlers:
The IC gel is alcohol free :)

My hair is thriving with this regimen. However, I haven't been following it for very long. I'm just worried that I may be doing something wrong, anything at all wrong. I want my hair to grow really bad, this is like the last big effort I'm going to put into it for a long time.
Just do you rinse the front of your hair without wetting your scalp near the unrelaxed hair?
Thanks for the advice Allandra.

It’s just that my hair has never really thrived this well before... I’m obsessing.

Senimoni... I rinse the front very carefully. I also make a plastic barrier to tie around the back of my hair. I tie it right where the back section begins , the part that is closest to the front and would be splashed with the most water.

It’s like a 2-3 inch thick plastic ribbon cut out of a plastic grocery bag or saran wrap that‘s long enough to tie around my head. Even then a few drops get there, but a few drops of water doesn’t affect me.

I don’t get much relaxer on my scalp at anyway... even if my scalp were a little wet, I wouldn’t get burns. That is one of the main reasons that I do them myself! No burns!