Help! My normally great stylist got scissor happy


Well-Known Member
I've been lurking on the boards for awhile with only one post under my belt, but I'm so angry I need some support. I'm a fan of stretching because it works for me, and the less I relax, the more my hair grows. Plus, it's healthier. I had been bra-strap last September when my normally great stylist relaxed me, but I just went to her yesterday for a touch-up and afterwards I was below bra-strap (lower midback ). I asked for a " very, very light dusting", and told her I did NOT want a trim. My ends were not raggedy, as I am an avid rollersetter and low manipulator. I made the cardinal mistake of not watching her cut the back, and she took off a couple of inches. Now, I'm right back where I started after a lengthy stretch and I want to smack her!:wallbash:She apologized, but that doesn't do my hair or lost lengths any good. Ladies, would you give her another chance and make it clear not to pick up the scissors at all? Or, just not go to her again? She is an otherwise professional, punctual, and sweet person, and since I live in Iowa, there are not a lot of stylists to choose from. I have a PIBBS, use great products, and take much better care of my hair ( thanks to you ladies!), but, I'm just not confident enough to self-relax. Thanks in advance for your thoughts!
I'm sorry that you had your progress cut off, I can relate to this type of situation.

I say once a cutter, always a cutter. I would either never go back to her, but since you said you said there are few stylists in your area clearly always state before you sit in her chair that you do not want her ever to trim or cut your hair. It may be harsh, but if that's what you have to do to protect your progress, then do it. She can style your hair, but never let her come near your hair with scissors again.
Personally, I would give her another chance, especially since she realized her error and apologized. It's hard to find a good stylist and we all make mistakes and have bad days.
I'm sorry that you had your progress cut off, I can relate to this type of situation.

I say once a cutter, always a cutter. I would either never go back to her, but since you said you said there are few stylists in your area clearly always state before you sit in her chair that you do not want her ever to trim or cut your hair. It may be harsh, but if that's what you have to do to protect your progress, then do it. She can style your hair, but never let her come near your hair with scissors again.

Correct. I always tell my stylist that I am not trimming today and then I go home and trim my own ends or get my mum to trim them. So I never have to deal with the trauma of a scissor happy stylist.
I get really angry when I hear these stories BUT in your situation and where you live, it wouldn't be a problem to go back to her being that she is a great stylist...HOWEVER, you would need to let her know that she can NEVER touch your hair with a pair of scissors...again...period. From now on, do your own trims and dustings until you find someone else that can do it for you they way you want. :)
It's nice that she apologized, but did she explain why she cut so much after you instructed her to not cut or trim, but to lightly dust your ends? :nono: I would go back to her if there was no one else, but I also would not let her use scissors on me unless I had a mirror to watch my back at all times.:yep:
Thank you so much ladies! I really appreciate your suggestions. I think I will give her one more chance, and under no circumstances will I let her put scissors to my hair. She never did say why she still went ahead and trimmed when I said I did not want my hair trimmed. She knows the difference between a dusting, and a trim. She hadn't done this before, and I think she knew after the first swipe, she had gone too far. She was obviously having an "off" day.

In the past, I would have been too shy to speak up and say I wouldn't like my hair trimmed which is why I never seemed to see any progress ( this was before I met her). Since I have gone to her, my hair has grown, and I will not have a problem making myself clear in the future. It really is difficult to locate a good stylist in my small Iowa town. ( people still wear Jherri curls here). If I go back to her, it wouldn't be until August, so I'll have some time to cool off, and I always have a good growth spurt in the warmer months. I know it will grow back, but it was an unecessary setback. I plan to post some pictures and not make my future posts look so generic. I'm still mad when I look in the mirror, but thanks to ya'll I feel better already.
Thank you so much ladies! I really appreciate your suggestions. I think I will give her one more chance, and under no circumstances will I let her put scissors to my hair. She never did say why she still went ahead and trimmed when I said I did not want my hair trimmed. She knows the difference between a dusting, and a trim. She hadn't done this before, and I think she knew after the first swipe, she had gone too far. She was obviously having an "off" day.

In the past, I would have been too shy to speak up and say I wouldn't like my hair trimmed which is why I never seemed to see any progress ( this was before I met her). Since I have gone to her, my hair has grown, and I will not have a problem making myself clear in the future. It really is difficult to locate a good stylist in my small Iowa town. ( people still wear Jherri curls here). If I go back to her, it wouldn't be until August, so I'll have some time to cool off, and I always have a good growth spurt in the warmer months. I know it will grow back, but it was an unecessary setback. I plan to post some pictures and not make my future posts look so generic. I'm still mad when I look in the mirror, but thanks to ya'll I feel better already.

That concerns me...:ohwell: Just be veeeery careful.
under no circumstances will I let her put scissors to my hair
As long as you do this I say give her one more chance. If she tries to persuade you to get a trim or a dusting don't let her. Don't let her tell you that you have splits, breakage, or uneven hair. If and when you go back in August don't let her tell you that she'll just do a dusting this time or she'll trim less than she did before.

I don't like that she decided to take off too much after you stated that you wanted a "very, very light dusting" and no trim. It sounds like you were clear, direct, and firm, but she decided to do her own thing anyway. :nono:
I am so sorry to hear about that. But, i do think she should be given another chance. I'm sure she saw how dissatisfied you were. I'm so happy my stylist doesn't cut, she barely does a trim,lol.
Most (if not all) of my stylist have done this. Started out well and then they start to do what they want.
Most (if not all) of my stylist have done this. Started out well and then they start to do what they want.

Yes!!! I've had this happen too - I wonder why this happens:nono:???

My current stylist is good - I let her do my retouch because I don't feel comfortable doing it myself - but that is literally all she does. I kid you not, I leave her salon with my hair soaking wet:spinning:.

I just have her do the retouch, maybe do a deep conditioner where I can sit under her awesome hood dryer for a while and read a good magazine. I then have her rinse it, and it's back up in a bun and I'm gone. I usually bring a towel in my truck with me so I can catch any drips as I'm driving home, lol. I hate to do it this way, but she has cut all my progress off too many times, so doing it this way means I can keep going to her for my needs, but it avoids my having to go through this kind of trauma.

It's just heartbreaking when stylists cut off all your progress - and it's no skin off their teeth, they sleep fine at night, it's us who lose sleep or feel feel sick for days after they've had their "Oops, I didn't mean to cut so much" moment:rolleyes:.

To the OP, really sorry this happened to you:Rose:.
I had this happen to me 2 months ago. I was two inches from APL and now I am at a blunt SL. TO be honest, I love my hair wayy more now that it is even and healthy, and I look forward to even growth. My hair bounces more, and just appears prettier. Before, I got the mega-trim, I was a straggly APL, you know where some strands are just hitting APL??? well that was me. Now I'm looking forward to a happier APL, with even hair.
I get really angry when I hear these stories BUT in your situation and where you live, it wouldn't be a problem to go back to her being that she is a great stylist...HOWEVER, you would need to let her know that she can NEVER touch your hair with a pair of scissors...again...period. From now on, do your own trims and dustings until you find someone else that can do it for you they way you want. :)

I agree with this. Since your options are limited and you are otherwise happy with her work I would go back to her. Just NEVER allow her to trim/cut your hair AGAIN. EVER.
I'm sorry she did that. I know I was really upset after a stylist cut my hair without even asking. You sound like you have impressive grownth so I'd just focus on getting it even longer and I bet it's even more beautiful now that it's been snipped.
My 3rd to last stylist was good with trims and then all of a sudden my last visit she seemed like she got really annoyed. My hair had grown 2 inches and she cut that off and then some. She acted like she didn't know what she did. I asked her why did you do that. She's like wasn't that long. I gave her the money and I haven't seen her since. She stalked me for a little bit, calling my at 7 in the morning before work and sending me invites to her new location. I have to admit that after she did that my hair grew even and long but that wasn't the point. She did it on purpose and played it dumb. You guys should have seen her reaction. It was like she was kid and she got some kind of revenge. It was weird. She realized I wasn't coming back and she would miss that big tip that I use to give her.
My 3rd to last stylist was good with trims and then all of a sudden my last visit she seemed like she got really annoyed. My hair had grown 2 inches and she cut that off and then some. She acted like she didn't know what she did. I asked her why did you do that. She's like wasn't that long. I gave her the money and I haven't seen her since. She stalked me for a little bit, calling my at 7 in the morning before work and sending me invites to her new location. I have to admit that after she did that my hair grew even and long but that wasn't the point. She did it on purpose and played it dumb. You guys should have seen her reaction. It was like she was kid and she got some kind of revenge. It was weird. She realized I wasn't coming back and she would miss that big tip that I use to give her.
OMG that sounds like my former stylist, stalking and calling early in the morning before work. Mine called me at 7:55am on a Friday. I was still in bed. I thought it was a co-worker calling for a ride to work or my boss telling me the building was closed. But it was just my ex-stylist asking me again why I didn't want to come in anymore. She misses my money, too. I spent hundreds of dollars a year going to her.

I got tired of her getting upset that I wanted less hair trimmed and I wanted it trimmed less often. The last straw was when she said "I'm going to trim. I know you don't like it." (uh, then why are you doing it - I'm the customer). When I told her that I wanted to wait for a trim until my next relaxer she said "Okay but you know when you wait I have to trim more the next time". Uh, no, you weren't doing that, that's why my hair starting getting longer. She had made a comment before that my hair was getting longer. I guess she wasn't going to let that happen!
The same thing happened to me 2 xmas's ago and i refused to go back to her ever again.

Same scenario...very sweet girl...does hair good...very versatile and knows how to deal with different textures.

WELL....i made the mistake of going to her during xmas. I was alittle past apl at that time and i wanted to cut to full shoulder length which is a style she's cut for me SEVERAL times in the past years. All she kept saying was that she was hoping to finish up with me quickly and do alittle xmas shopping between me and her next client. She ended up cutting it so short i couldn't tie it at all!!! the bottom didnt even reach half of my neck, she had the nerve to layer it in the back without me asking and made the shortest layer shorter then ear length. She also cut the left side about 2 inches shorter the the right.

I wanted to KILLLLLL!!!!! I never went to her again.

I've been scared to go to a salon ever since. i got a dusting last year from some random lady down the street and insisted i be able to use double mirrors ( one in my hand) to see at all times how much she's cutting. luckily she understood because i told her about my last experience.

Sorry for the long story. But i feel your pain.

But like others said...if you feel you wanna give her a chance then go ahead...just keep her on scissor punishment for a while.

If she's good with everything else having to do with your hair then it may still be worth it to stick with her. I'd hate for you to have such healthy, long hair and NOW have to worry about trusting an all new hair dresser with it...who could possibly do even MORE damage...