Help my hair texture changed!!!!!!!!!


New Member
Hi everyone. I'm a newbie in search of major league help. I just underwent my last round of chemo and unlike most people i did not wind up totally bald however I did lose a large patch in top center of my head (approx. 1 and 1/2" wide and 4" long). Prior to treatment my hair was MBL but I have just cut it to a twa (it was a cause of constant depression seeing the bald spot all the time). My question to you is this...I am 8 weeks post BC and the hair texture of the new growth does not match that of the rest of my is completely alien to me!!! All of the rest of my hair is course however the new growth seems incredibly fragile and thin. Can anyone recommend any products that will make this hair stronger? I'm open to all suggestions. I can't bear the thought of losing what little hair I have left. Thanks a bunch in advance for any advice you can offer
Welcome! Wishing you Gods speed in your treatment and recovery.
You may need to add some protein to strengthen like an egg treatment or something commercial like Aphogee. Many ladies use henna or cassia to "thicken strands". Henna is not considered a protein. Lighter deep conditioners with whey protein like Elucence extended moisture repair treatment is what I use. The light protein strengthens without making my hair hard.

I hope that you are recovering and quickly on the road back to health!

I've read that many people experience texture changes after chemo, something about the body's response to either the chemicals or the disease they're fighting. Anyway, I think because what happens to our bodies is reflected in our hair, as you get healthier I think you'll see some healthier hair.

In the meantime, I wouldn't do too much to your hair. I think if you used a balanced conditioner like Aubrey Organics GPB it would be good for your hair and wouldn't be too much.

Anyway, search around the board and read reviews because I'm sure you'll find lots of things you may want to try.
Thanks Carrie for the reference to the henna do you know how long the average user uses it before seeing noticable results?
Thanks to you MSA as well. Right now i'm doing my best to be gentle. I'm only using organic products, co washing 2x week, sealing ends with coconut oil, and wigging as a protective measure. Hopefully something will pan out. I feel a whole lot better just for having voiced my concerns.
Thanks to you MSA as well. Right now i'm doing my best to be gentle. I'm only using organic products, co washing 2x week, sealing ends with coconut oil, and wigging as a protective measure. Hopefully something will pan out. I feel a whole lot better just for having voiced my concerns.

Using organic products is good. You sound like you are on the right track. Chemo is a "toxic life-saver" Like MSA said chemo does change the texture of hair, but as it grows back it will thicken up gradually. As for henna, I believe you can see results after just a few applications. Google hennaforhair for the extremely informative website. Maybe you could try it every two weeks or so (just make sure you condition after). Aubrey organics is a great line and many here swear by the conditioners. I would keep it simple and maybe try just one product to increase thickness.
Using organic products is good. You sound like you are on the right track. Chemo is a "toxic life-saver" Like MSA said chemo does change the texture of hair, but as it grows back it will thicken up gradually. As for henna, I believe you can see results after just a few applications. Google hennaforhair for the extremely informative website. Maybe you could try it every two weeks or so (just make sure you condition after). Aubrey organics is a great line and many here swear by the conditioners. I would keep it simple and maybe try just one product to increase thickness.

Thanks I'm off to google hennaforhair right now. My primary worry was that the hair might never thicken up leaving me with no styling options. I mind the twa that i'm left with but I can deal with it so long as I continue to see progress and know that there is some hope for me. The bible says there is strength in the spoken word so I'm just gonna do everything I can and "speak" the reality I want for myself into being. Thanks again for your input. I really appreciate the advice and the well wishes.