
New Member
I would like to know if anyone know what I should do or who I should see. No matter what I do my hair seems to fall out. When I comb through my hair with a wide tooth seamless comb I get tons of hair in the comb and on my shirt. It is growing wildly, but if it is coming out by the will I ever accomplish my goal of long hair?

Any help would be appreciated.
i know that some ppl from the orginal board used to take geritol and it stopped the shedding like the quickness!
I had that problem when I was overprocessed. Although it didn't look like it, it was. Also, are you under any stress?(besides your hair). It may also be a product you are using.
That doesn't sound good at all. If its comming out fromt the root I suggest you see a dermatologist. If it is comming out at the root I would suggest that you shouldn't relax it until you have had you scalp checked out by a proffesional.
Maybe it is something that you're lacking. Do you drink a lot of water? Sometimes it's not what you put ON your hair, but what you eat. Maybe you're lacking a vitamin in your body.
I take women's ultra mega and biotin. I also dring 128oz of water a day (I have a 64oz monster mug & drink two of them). I am under stress. I am in school and have six children that is something I can't change right now. My husbands ex-wife won't come and get her kids.
I take women's ultra mega and biotin. I also dring 128oz of water a day (I have a 64oz monster mug & drink two of them). I am under stress. I am in school and have six children that is something I can't change right now. My husbands ex-wife won't come and get her kids.

[/ QUOTE ]

If you're taking biotin, you might need the other B-vitamins (B-complex). When you take a lot of one b, you deplete some of the others. Also, if you're under a lot of stress, that depletes B vitamins as well. Women are usually lacking in iron also, and unless you cook with cast iron cookware, your iron is probably low because it's so hard for the body to absorb, especially women because of that time of the month thing. Some of the women mentioned experiencing shedding because of the change in weather---from cold to warm, so that could be it also. One last thing, if you're taking birth control pills, they tend to create shedding woes as well, so does a barely functioning and a hyper thyroid. Boy, it's probably stessing you out just reading this list
It's stressing me out just writing it
. It's also normal to shed about 30-50 hairs a day, I think that's the number; it could be more, so maybe this is "normal" shedding. My point is, it could be a number of things, and if any of the above applies to you, maybe you'll be able to find the cause of your problem, or you could wait it out, and it'll probably stop, but whatever you do, try to eliminate as much stress as you can in your life (no, don't drop the kids off at a homeless shelter
). I wish you luck, and hopefully, this will stop soon. By the way, I take my hat off to you---6 kids--I'm surprised you have any hair at all
Good luck, and tell us how it goes.
I agree you should see a dermatologist and reduce your stress it can wreak havoc on the hair. Believe me I know from experience. In the mean time you could try garlic shampoo, it is odorless and you usually see a significant difference after the first use,I used it for a couple of weeks and it helped. They also have a odorless conditioner. Garlic is known for reducing shedding. Also a herbal rinse of marshmallow may help it is known for falling hair.
I didnt know this about garlic, joyous. I kew about it's antibiotic and anti-hypertension qualities....but thanx for the shedding info...
Princess, I'm sorry to hear of this.... 6 kids, school, husband... it's amazing you haven't gone berserk

Sweetheart, I'm not sure what it could be or if anything will stop it immediately, but definitely take some time out for yourself. Make arrangements so that hubby looks after the kids for a few days & make it clear that NO ONE IS TO BOTHER U. Take this time to have what I like to call "ME TIME". Don't even worry about your hair....that's a stressor right now... just try to enjoy having a "stress free day", doing the things that u enjoy. End the day with a nice soothing "candle lit" bubble bath. If nothing else, hopefully this will give u time to enjoy your calming environment, "settle" a bit & make it a lil easier to handle your day-to-day stressors.

Wishing u best luv,
I've been consistently taking my Bvits and i find that it is really helping my otherwise cranky demeanor stay positive... I take them in the form of a shake, ultra hair thick shake by nature's plus, it has a lot of great other
things too.

B vits reduce stress and are essential for hair growth.. so you'll be kiling 2 birds with one stone.
I take women's ultra mega and biotin. I also dring 128oz of water a day (I have a 64oz monster mug & drink two of them). I am under stress. I am in school and have six children that is something I can't change right now. My husbands ex-wife won't come and get her kids.

[/ QUOTE ]

Girl that is stressful! Stress will make you shed..and the shedding makes you stress more. I've been there. I rented my home out and the tenants wouldn't pay. The mortgage company was calling me everyday. Once they finally left they trashed the place. I was able to sell my house the day before it was up for public auction. My hair was coming out everywhere...despite no heat, no relaxers, protective styling I kept shedding...Don't get me wrong though, learning how to care for my hair was a life long lesson Ilearned and plan on doing forever...but the stress really messed me up. Once my house was sold it was like a dark heavy cloud was lifted. My nerves and my hair finally calmed down. Try to relax. Sit down with your husband and decide what is the best way to deal with the situation..including the worst scenario(she ain't coming back for the kids) have a backup plan, get your siblings or relatives to help you out...and if need be take her 'as#%' to court for child support. Maybe she'll get the hint and come back for her kids. You take care of your self emotionally and your hair will follow suit. PM me if you want to vent...
Sweetcocoa, I agree with you. It's unbelievable what stress can do to your hair, as I said before I've been there. My hair was coming out in clumps. Please see a doctor or dermatologist/or both, they can rule out any underlying causes. Then you can work from there and use some of the suggestions that the ladies on the board have recommended. Please remember while taking care of others to ALWAYS take care of yourself first. You are IMPORTANT TOO!!! I wish you much luck and hope you find a resolution soon.
Thanks for the advice. I had my tubes tied and my husband had a vasectomy (how ever you spell it) this past week. No more kids for us. I am two months postpartum. I agree she probably isn't coming to get the kids. I am flat on my back for right now and my hair is still coming out. I think it may get worse before it gets better. I am going to try and get in to see a dermatologist sometime soon. Thanks again.

P.S. What does bump mean and sweetcocoa I will be mailing in order to vent. Thanks.
My then husband's ex-wife did the same damn thing to me. As soon as she found out I was pregnant she brought her four kids and left them at our house. And don't you know I was a full-time student then. Luckily for me that was back in the jeri-curl days, so my hair wasn't really affected. Although when I had my daughter I lost a wad of hair right in the back of my head. But by then she had come to get her kids because we got an attorney and had the child support cut off. Since this is partly the hubbies fault, I say partly because when you marry a man with kids you do get the bonus drama. But anyway, have him to start giving you nightly neck rubs and scalp massages after everyone has gone to bed. This will help with the stress. And I suspect just having a little one yourself your hormones are declining rapidly after soaring the same way. That always causes hair shedding. Good luck, and hang in their girl, you can do it. Just don't let it do you.
i don't know if this helps or not, but when i'm stressed my hair falls out too. the only thing that stops it is to force myself to look for something to be happy about. six children is obviously a big responsibility. if you're not doing it already i think it would help if you took a day just for yourself to think and do nothing for anyone but you. it may sound selfish but its really helping out the family; because if moms happy then everyone's happier. *L* dr.phil said that, not me...
love him!
oh... sorry peachtree... i should've read the entire thread.i basically condensed what you wrote. *S* at any rate i agree with all of the ladies...
Thanks everyone I have been resting for the last three days since I had surgery on Friday. My hair has truly slowed down. It is amazing what a little rest will do for you. I took a picture of my hair and I will post it as soon as I figure it out. I don't really know how do do that. I took it with a digital camera if anyone can help. Thanks
Princess J,

Surgery itself is stressful on the body and spirit. The crud that they put in the IV doesnt help either. Rest, pray, meditate, and all will be well. Feel better soon....