!*Help My Friend!*


Natural 4b
Well i have been trying to get my life right for a while now.
So far ive had it under control but my friend at times she knows what she is doing.... I tell her please dont swear around me i havent did that in along time and i dont plan on it! So she will Continue to talk her Non-Stop! Today i really had a bad day at school! She came over and well she really brought the devil out of me this time!:nono:
I really want to make a change for me and her!
She says she cant help it!
What should i do!??
I feel really bad this time and i need all the help i can get:cry2::sad:
i feel its time for separation indeed
it seems as if she doesn't want to change and your going right and she is going farther towards the left side

friends/associates will try to make you or break you
i feel its time for separation indeed
it seems as if she doesn't want to change and your going right and she is going farther towards the left side

friends/associates will try to make you or break you

Should i leave her alone until she can respect the fact that i want to change??? I think this will help me!?
I did that before and all i can say i was much HAPPIER with myself then til today when she came over..!!
Should i leave her alone until she can respect the fact that i want to change??? I think this will help me!?
I did that before and all i can say i was much HAPPIER with myself then til today when she came over..!!

yes do that
or until she respects you and your wishes and herself
make sure she makes some positive changes within herself as well:yep:
I think most converted Christians have been through this, you're not alone.
You have to be prepared for the fact that she may never change. You have to do what's best for you which appears to be ending the friendship at least for now and keeping her in your prayers. The Lord says be ye not unequally yoked with unbelievers. That's because you're either going to be in a constant state of annoyance and/or arguing constantly because you're offended or you're going to have to keep quiet and compromise your walk in order to remain friends. It hurts and no one wants to have to do it but our relationship with Jesus is more important than our friendships. Besides, a lot of times our friends could have been saved if we had just stepped out of the picture. HTH:look:
I think most converted Christians have been through this, you're not alone.
You have to be prepared for the fact that she may never change. You have to do what's best for you which appears to be ending the friendship at least for now and keeping her in your prayers. The Lord says be ye not unequally yoked with unbelievers. That's because you're either going to be in a constant state of annoyance and/or arguing constantly because you're offended or you're going to have to keep quiet and compromise your walk in order to remain friends. It hurts and no one wants to have to do it but our relationship with Jesus is more important than our friendships. Besides, a lot of times our friends could have been saved if we had just stepped out of the picture. HTH:look:
:yep::yep::yep::yep: Yes, yes, yes to everything you posted!!

I'm the queen of cutting people off....but I'm really just taking a break.
Sometimes our friends aren't deliberately trying to sabotage us. But satan will use those closest to you to bring you back to him. So let go (of her) and let God (work on her and you...separately).
You already know what you need to do....and yes it will be hard and you will miss your friend(s). But you'll eventually make new friends who will walk that narrow road with you.:yep:
My prayers are with you.
I think most converted Christians have been through this, you're not alone.
You have to be prepared for the fact that she may never change. You have to do what's best for you which appears to be ending the friendship at least for now and keeping her in your prayers. The Lord says be ye not unequally yoked with unbelievers. That's because you're either going to be in a constant state of annoyance and/or arguing constantly because you're offended or you're going to have to keep quiet and compromise your walk in order to remain friends. It hurts and no one wants to have to do it but our relationship with Jesus is more important than our friendships. Besides, a lot of times our friends could have been saved if we had just stepped out of the picture. HTH:look:

  • I agree with the black bold 100%
  • I don't agree with the red bold. You're saved now, if you die tomorrow, you will get to live your eternity in the presence of God. What about your friend? If she is not saved, you don't have to push her away, but pray continually that you will be able to tolerate her until your spirit and character makes a change in her. Maybe if she sees that you are truly on this walk with the Lord and not just testing it out, then she will gain more respect. Sermon I heard Sunday was geared toward our selfish nature. Read Psalm 115. It talks about doing things for the glory and benefit of God. Is it benefitial to God that you stop talking to her or is it beneficial to you?
  • I agree with the green in the sense that if we are creating an environment that makes a person stray further and further away from God, then we may need to step aside.(here is a common example: Girlfriend goes to church regularly and is saved, while boyfriend isn't ready to be saved. Girlfriend continues to allow boyfriend to shack up with her and live in sin and have relations that ought to be reserved for married people. In this example, the saved girlfriend needs to step out and stop hindering boyfriend) However, I also think that some people can be saved if we don't turn our backs on them and instead we stick around, especially if they are use to people turning their backs and running away. If we are to exhibit Christ-like character, then we should be able to stand firm in our faith, even in the presence of heathens.
Thank you all

On easter i made her get saved with me again just for her.
I will keep my distance away from her like i was doing and keeping her in my prayers:yep:
  • I agree with the black bold 100%
  • I don't agree with the red bold. You're saved now, if you die tomorrow, you will get to live your eternity in the presence of God. What about your friend? If she is not saved, you don't have to push her away, but pray continually that you will be able to tolerate her until your spirit and character makes a change in her. Maybe if she sees that you are truly on this walk with the Lord and not just testing it out, then she will gain more respect. Sermon I heard Sunday was geared toward our selfish nature. Read Psalm 115. It talks about doing things for the glory and benefit of God. Is it benefitial to God that you stop talking to her or is it beneficial to you?
  • I agree with the green in the sense that if we are creating an environment that makes a person stray further and further away from God, then we may need to step aside.(here is a common example: Girlfriend goes to church regularly and is saved, while boyfriend isn't ready to be saved. Girlfriend continues to allow boyfriend to shack up with her and live in sin and have relations that ought to be reserved for married people. In this example, the saved girlfriend needs to step out and stop hindering boyfriend) However, I also think that some people can be saved if we don't turn our backs on them and instead we stick around, especially if they are use to people turning their backs and running away. If we are to exhibit Christ-like character, then we should be able to stand firm in our faith, even in the presence of heathens.
I see what your saying but the thing is, Jesus is her friends savior, she is not. She is not His plan of salvation for her friend. Just like Jesus saved her, He can save her friend. She is not His plan A, B and C. If she never speaks to this girl again, Jesus still knows where her friend is and how to reach her.
If this was a situation where her friend respected her walk then that's one thing but this girl seems to have no intention of respecting her wishes. If she ends it instead and stands by what she believes then maybe her friend can see past her and see Jesus.
I see what your saying but the thing is, Jesus is her friends savior, she is not. She is not His plan of salvation for her friend. Just like Jesus saved her, He can save her friend. She is not His plan A, B and C. If she never speaks to this girl again, Jesus still knows where her friend is and how to reach her.
If this was a situation where her friend respected her walk then that's one thing but this girl seems to have no intention of respecting her wishes. If she ends it instead and stands by what she believes then maybe her friend can see past her and see Jesus.

Ok, I can receive that. I guess I am just one of those people always willing to give every person the benefit of the doubt. I suppose if her friends sees the seriousness in ending the friendship, then maybe the friend would look past the OP to see what Jesus is about and why he was worth losing a friendship over. I can agree with that.
Ok, I can receive that. I guess I am just one of those people always willing to give every person the benefit of the doubt. I suppose if her friends sees the seriousness in ending the friendship, then maybe the friend would look past the OP to see what Jesus is about and why he was worth losing a friendship over. I can agree with that.
I agree that we can help our friends. But we have to be strong enough in our faith and in our own walks before we try to help others with theirs. It's kinda like when you're on a plane and they tell you if the plan goes down...put the life jacket on yourself before you help the child/person next to you. It sounds selfish but the OP really has to make sure that her own foundation is solid first. Because you best believe that satan will be working thru her friend and on her friend to prevent another soul from leaving him.