Help my friend? Oily scalp.

sensi sweetie

New Member
Okay, well I have a (white) girlfriend who always comes to me for hair advice
(I guess she noticed my obsession :look:)

She says she has an extremely oily scalp and has to wash her hair every day. Poor girl looked so embarrassed whilst telling me about her bf's recent "Sick. When was the last time you showered?" comment (I hate that little redneck *****... But thats a whole 'nother story)

My scalp is on the normal side if not dry side, so I was not sure what to say.

Anyone else have this problem? I told her I would get back to her. Rinses? Shampoos? TIA
Um i dont know if this works for others or not but i too had the stinky scalp problem. I washed my hair every 3-4 days. as my hair got longer this became more and more of a pain in the butt to do. after a while i went longer in between washes. it was difficult at first but i think my scalp got used to it. now i can easily go 3 weeks without washing/cowashing/rinsing/whatever before my scalp becomes noticeably odorous and gunky feeling.
I don't know anyone with this problem but could it be that the products she uses are irritating her skin? Perhaps she needs to use a gentler, moisturising shampoo/conditioner and experiment with washing less often.
I told her to try cowashing and rough it out and wait longer between washes, but she does not want to. I suspect her overly productive scalp may be the result of overly stripping with shampoo.

She says she has always had oily skin/scalp though, so IDK.
Apparently washing everyday and using harsh products, encourages oil production because the scalp is supposed to be oily. Kind of what soap does to the face. So like someone else suggested she probably has to "train" her scalp.