help me!!!


New Member
HOw can I protect my hair if I can't put it up? Braids are not possible right now, and cornrows last only 3 days at the most because my scalp is soo dry it itches like crayzee. I prefer my hair straight but its not all one length and slightly damaged in some areas (I have that undercontrol and construction,i.e. trims)

What styles can I do that would fit me? I'm all for protective styles but I dont' want to look crayze either. My hair is now neck length in the back and ear length on the sides and gradually goes down at an angle (think of a slope of a hill with the top of the hill being my ear and the bottom of the hill being my neck.) My face shape is oval.

HELPPPP!!!!! :eek: :perplexed :confused:
Wow this is a toughie. When my hair was at that length, I said "protective styling be damned" and just deep conditioner my hair more often. It helped for me to put my hair in a ponytail. I hope you find some answers.
Wow, sorry hear of your dilema. What I do, my hair is cut about 4.5 to 5 inches all over, is wear flat twists in the frontal area and the back is up in a phony tail. I don't use the little black rubber bands but rather miniature jar combs to hold my twists secure.

For the ends, I'm able to gather the twists into the phony tail which I cover using the baggie method before I put on the phony. I redo the twists every few days because of perspiration and scalp massage which tends to disrupt their neatness. I think the twists are less stressful on the hair than braids and they're easy to take down and redo (especially without those nasty little black bands).

I'd like to wear my hair straight as well but this is a nice option for me.

Good luck!
I think I may have to go against my grain and wear a phony for a while. I HATE weave and have never worn it except for braids. I don't see any other way except to deep condition and pray pray pray!!!

I think I'm paranoid. i'll be ok. My hair grows fast so in about 3 mos, I should be able to do something.
Thanks for the replies.
I strongly suggest going to a dermatologist if your hair keeps on itching.

Your best bet is to find a cheap conditioner, throw peppermint oil in it, and use it daily until your dermatologist can figure out what is going on.

You can do the baggie method while doing a daily washing regimen.
Does your hair touch your shoulders or clothes at all? If not, i wouldn't worry about keeping it up. Just keep it conditioned and moisturized and avoid excessive manipulation and you should be fine.