Help Me With My Natural Hair Please


Well-Known Member
Why does my hair tangle as soon as I spritz or moisturize it. How else am I supposed to moisturize my hair. Also how am I supposed to keep my hair stretched as it's too short to go into a ponytail?
Check that your conditioner that you use for your leave in does not have protein or glycerin.

Conditioner may too heavy as a leave in for fine hair.

Your water must be warm.

Almond Eyes
I have fine hair too and if I let it shrink even a little bit, it tangles and becomes a forest of SSKs. To avoid this, I add leave in conditioner when my hair is still wet after a wash, then I stretch my hair either using African threading or my blow dryer on low heat. Then I seal with a heavy sealant. I use hair grease for my sealant, but you can use an all natural alternative such as Shea butter, if you prefer. If my sealant is working properly, my hair will stay hydrated and I won't have to moisturize again until wash day (one week). If for some reason it does get dry, sometimes I'll wet my hands and smooth it up into a bun with a little more grease. Usually does the trick, and the bun helps combat shrinkage and tangling.
Not saying you have to do this method, just saying it's what works for me :DHope that helps! Good luck!
When's the last time you clarified and/ or used a conditioner with hydrolyzed protein?

I ask because tangles and webbing are often the result of raised cuticles. I have really fine hair too and my relaxed hair was always tangly and webbed. My natural hair regimen solved the problem tho. (I do MHM, it ain't for everybody and I heavily modify it. But no tangles! :yay:)
When's the last time you clarified and/ or used a conditioner with hydrolyzed protein?

I ask because tangles and webbing are often the result of raised cuticles. I have really fine hair too and my relaxed hair was always tangly and webbed. My natural hair regimen solved the problem tho. (I do MHM, it ain't for everybody and I heavily modify it. But no tangles! :yay:)

Please share your regi

@Honey Bee
How are you wearing/ styling your hair? Do you comb/ brush? How do you wear your hair to sleep?
Please share your regi

@Honey Bee
MHM steps, but I'm not married to any particular products. (My hair ain't that picky, it seems.) I follow the steps, tho, bc the regimen is made to control the opening and closing of cuticles throughout your wash day.

1. clarify. I use ACV or shampoo when I feel like it.
2. condition. I use whatever I want.
3. clay. My blend is mostly clay and avj with a dash of acv and water only for consistency.
4. leave-in. Diluted KCKT (not cuz they said, just cuz I like it.)
5. gel as sealant. I use wetline.

Style-wise, I'm a wng girl, occasionally a twist out. I'm growing out a tapered cut so I've been ps'ing in crochet braids since the summer of 2015. When I take them down, I go right back into my MHM, do it for, at minimum, three days straight, then back into crochets. I d very little maintenance on my hair under crochets. :look: It seems to be working bc my hair is thriving. I'm now SL (with regular dusting) and the quality of my hair (thickness, density) is much improved. There's a pic of my old naked hair in my album. I haven't taken any good pics of my new head of hair. I should be ready to unveil by spring.