Help me understand


New Member
I know that God blesses the just and unjust. I have a hard time with the fact that God will bless a man who cheats, uses and plays women with a good loving woman when it comes to being in a relationship, before or if ever he blesses the women who have been mislead. The player always gets a good woman when he is ready to settle down, but the women who are played are left to suffer a live alone. Were is thier good mate at?. Us women are always told to wait for God to send that man but years go by and still nothing, even for the celibant one who you would think God would bless first. I guess sometimes the answer is just "NO man for you"for the mislead woman.
kally said:
I know that God blesses the just and unjust. I have a hard time with the fact that God will bless a man who cheats, uses and plays women with a good loving woman when it comes to being in a relationship, before or if ever he blesses the women who have been mislead. The player always gets a good woman when he is ready to settle down, but the women who are played are left to suffer a live alone. Were is thier good mate at?. Us women are always told to wait for God to send that man but years go by and still nothing, even for the celibant one who you would think God would bless first. I guess sometimes the answer is just "NO man for you"for the mislead woman.

Kally, you just done gone and made me stop from leaving my home, to reply to this message. Girl! And here I am about to go and purchase a beautiful new Indian Sari gown....;) Ohhhh, alright, here's my theory on this.

Okay, who's the man we're referencing to? Or is this a topic question in general? Or is it a 'back-burner' ... a past experience or issue unresolved?

First, I want you to 'think' about what happens when a man does a woman wrong and the woman's first reaction after she cries. SHE BEGINS to PRAY for HIM...not herself, but for HIM. And because she is heard by God, her prayers get answered.

Think about the prayers that go up for him. ESPECIALLY, when we try to be the 'better' or the Godly person and pray for God to bless him; we forgive him; we love him; it's not about me, but about you and him, Lord...etc., etc., etc.

Also, think about all of the other women he has wronged who are also blessing him in prayer. Oh yes! Too many prayers are blessing this man, and all by good, Godly woman, whose prayers are being heard by God and answered.

God has to honor His word, be the situation, right or wrong sometimes. There is a hidden spiritual principle here. But...the sinning person still has to pay; for he reaps what he sows, eventually, unless he repents.

For one thing, when we KNOW a man is wrong, we should just leave...period and keep our prayers to ourselves and give him over to satan (this IS God's word when a person fornicates), and allow him to be corrected in his sin.

NOW, the key to any relationship is to ASK God first and formost to take this man and have your way with him. Lord, bless me. Bless me far above and beyond I could ever ask of think from you. In Jesus' name Amen.

Is this selfish? No. Men don't pray for us as we pray for them. The power is within us, as women. We are the fertile grown that our prayers are nurtured and developed from. it is not selfish to pray for God to bless you.

I have more 'thought's on this...but think about this. The woman always has the power. Always... in prayer. The key is the direction of it. God's direction.

Now, I'm off to purchase my new Sari...;)

{{{ Loving Hugs }}}
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Thanks Shimmie LOL!!!!

I am speaking about men in general. I never thought of this this way before. I myself have been used, so I guess that is where some of the anger was coming from..Its is just that everywhere I see the player being the one blessed and the woman still single when it come to finding a decent mate. You are right as hard as it is and as painfull as it is we are suppose to pray for the man that wronged us.

I am just tired of being alone. I will 31 in a few days and still have never had a boyfriend. Only friends who have not wanted to commit to me, but to others, it is like I am warming up the slot machine for others to hits the jackpot. Im sorry if that sounds selfish, and I am not one of those women who have to have a man to fell complete. My life and career and my walk with God is well established I am just tired of doing it alone.

Abraham was right when he told God that death is better the being alone. Not that I will do anything crazy, I just can not take this emptiness
kally said:
Thanks Shimmie LOL!!!!

I am speaking about men in general. I never thought of this this way before. I myself have been used, so I guess that is where some of the anger was coming from..Its is just that everywhere I see the player being the one blessed and the woman still single when it come to finding a decent mate. You are right as hard as it is and as painfull as it is we are suppose to pray for the man that wronged us.

I am just tired of being alone. I will 31 in a few days and still have never had a boyfriend. Only friends who have not wanted to commit to me, but to others, it is like I am warming up the slot machine for others to hits the jackpot. Im sorry if that sounds selfish, and I am not one of those women who have to have a man to fell complete. My life and career and my walk with God is well established I am just tired of doing it alone.

Abraham was right when he told God that death is better the being alone. Not that I will do anything crazy, I just can not take this emptiness

Congratulations for being 31. :yay:

I hear you, Kally. It's good to 'talk' this out. I'm hoping to see what other members share as well. I only shared a 'theory' in my post earlier, because I also, wonder as well.

Not ALL of these 'players' end up a 'winner'. Trust me. My ex-husband suffered big time and wanted to come back. About three years after our divorce, he sent his mom to my home (with a watermelon :lol: - my favorite fruit ;) ), and while we sat there eating the melon, she shared a 'heart to heart' with me. But it was too late. I couldn't go back.

My point is that, not all players 'win.' They truly don't. My ex was miserable. But I wasn't... :look:

The same applies with many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, other men. (Did I say enough 'many's'? :lol:) You get my point.

For you, I have a prayer. That from this moment on, you will be set on high above all the other women. That God will direct the heart, the path, the eyes, the desires of the man he has ordained for you, upon you and you alone.

I don't have the answers, but you and I both know the One who does. The One who knew you before the foundations of the earth. The One who has kept you living and breathing for 31 years and many, many, many, many, many, many, more to come to live and enjoy being a beautiful wife to your handsome husband. ;) Oh! I have no doubt of this. None at all.

No more wasted friendships; no more counterfiets, no more disappointments. Only the Holy Spirit bringing forth whom God has ordained for you.

Can I hear an 'Amen?' For we are two and where two or more agree, it shall be established of our Father who art in Heaven.


(Did I give you enough 'many's' after 31 years? If not, there's many, many, many, many, more.) ;)

Don't fret anymore, pretty Kally. No more to fret about; no more reason to doubt. Just let God bring him in.

ETA: When I went shopping today after your post, I got a 25% discount on my new Indian Sari. ;) God blessed me for logging on to reply to you. You are good ground to sow into. How much more of a blessing you will be to your husband. Many, many, many, many blessings and more 'many's right back at you from him.
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All I can say is Shimmie broke it dooooooowwwwnnnn:grin: .

Meek I would wonder what issues your sister isn't facing that she would keep getting married to men that she isn't evenly yoked with?

I had a older supervisor and a close friend that also has the black liz taylor syndrome. The supervisor said she wanted to have sex but had to be married to justify it. The strange thing is she did dirty things to get the man and would lose them the same way. The younger one is afraid to be alone and keeps marrying fixer uppers that never really fix up but they insult and beat her. Go figure?

I think your sister needs to work on herself because she is looking outside herself for happiness.
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She doesn't do it for the sex, she just doesn't like living alone.:perplexed

Thanks for the advice.

firecracker said:
All I can say is Shimmie broke it dooooooowwwwnnnn:grin: .

Meek I would wonder what issues your sister isn't facing that she would keep getting married to men that she isn't evenly yoked with?

I had a older supervisor and a close friend that also has the black liz taylor syndrome. The supervisor said she wanted to have sex but had to be married to justify it. The strange thing is she did dirty things to get the man and would lose them the same way. The younger one is afraid to be alone and keeps marrying fixer uppers that never really fix up but they insult and beat her. Go figure?

I think your sister needs to work on herself because she is looking outside herself for happiness.
firecracker said:
All I can say is Shimmie broke it dooooooowwwwnnnn:grin: .

Meek I would wonder what issues your sister isn't facing that she would keep getting married to men that she isn't evenly yoked with?

I had a older supervisor and a close friend that also has the black liz taylor syndrome. The supervisor said she wanted to have sex but had to be married to justify it. The strange thing is she did dirty things to get the man and would lose them the same way. The younger one is afraid to be alone and keeps marrying fixer uppers that never really fix up but they insult and beat her. Go figure?

I think your sister needs to work on herself because she is looking outside herself for happiness.

I'm confused. Is there a 'missing' post? Or am I 'losing it'? :lol: I see your reply to "Meek&Quiet Spirit" ... but there's no post from "Meek" above it. :confused: :confused: :confused:

Oh Well... :look:

Happy Sunday and a blessed day at church, precious "Fire."

And to everyone in the Forum.

Shimmie's going to bed...long weekend; another long day tomorrow. ;)

Sweet sleep to everyone...
Shimmie said:
I'm confused. Is there a 'missing' post? Or am I 'losing it'? :lol: I see your reply to "Meek&Quiet Spirit" ... but there's no post from "Meek" above it. :confused: :confused: :confused:

Oh Well... :look:

Happy Sunday and a blessed day at church, precious "Fire."

And to everyone in the Forum.

Shimmie's going to bed...long weekend; another long day tomorrow. ;)

Sweet sleep to everyone...

There was a thread from Meek. I guess she changed her mind about sharing about her sister and removed it.

Meek I didn't say your sister did it for sex. I shared my ex elder supervisor's reason. It was clear to me your sister doesn't like being alone or she wouldn't have married so many times to men that where not on the same level as she is. :look:
Thanks Shimmie your post really touched me. That prayer was on point. and it has restored my faith in this matter, because I did not know how I was going to make it.
kally said:
Thanks Shimmie your post really touched me. That prayer was on point. and it has restored my faith in this matter, because I did not know how I was going to make it.

Keep the Faith, angel. For no one can top or stop that. Keep the faith.;)
firecracker said:
There was a thread from Meek. I guess she changed her mind about sharing about her sister and removed it.

Okay...;) I thought I 'lost' something...:look: But is makes sense to me now. Thanks angel.