Help me please


New Member
So I'm about to start renting a chair from a salon. I'll be catering to Natural hair divas specializing in braids (with and without extensions). The problem is I've been doing doing this out of my house for over 5 years and I undercharge my clients. But, now that I will be paying somone I need to up my prices. My price range is $50-$100....dirt cheap, right? So, my questions to you ladies are

How much does it cost to get your hair braided at an African?
How much would you spend to get your hair braided?
How much should I charge clients to get their hair braided?

Thanks in advance
First off, congrats for venturing out on your own! Secondly, I would call around to shops in your area to get an idea of the current rates and compete with those. I find that prices vary greatly depending on the area. Best of luck!
I can't help as i'm in the UK but would like to say good luck and hope you have many customers.
I agree with sgmom2 when i get my hair done here[fl] its about 150-250$ but up north like in brooklyn ny it can be cheaper since theyre are so many
I know in FL, I've heard of naural salons chargin $60 for wash and braiding just the front of someone's natural hair.