Help me please!!

I am currently shoulder length. i want to be to my bra strap by October 2007 of this year. I have a sewn in weave, but it is driving me crazy. Are there any suggestions how to get my hair to grow mega fast in the weave?
I think you may be able to increase growth with Biotin, etc., but I really don't think it's possible to reach bra strap by October. how fast does your hair grow?
To be honest, that is a bit of a stretch to reach bsl by October of this year starting from shoulder length. How about making your goal close to apl. But to achieve your goal of retaining the growth that you will have, you have to remember to treat your hair underneath the weave the same as you would treat it without it. Remember to moisturize. You can try vitamins and there are multiple growth aids such as Boundless Tresses, that many ladies and I currently use to help us reach our goals a little faster. But you have to be realistic. Good luck and I'm sure the other ladies will chime in to help.
call me a pessimist, but i don't think that it can healthily (is that even a word??) happen in only 3-4 months.... i mean even if you practically od on every vitamin, topical growth aid and miracle potion out there, the goal itself is unrealistic...

may is ask if there's a particular reason that you want to hit this goal pretty much yesterday??

i advocate time/patience, and that's really what it's going to take... until then, i'd recommend staying in the weaves while practicing healthy haircare, if that length is what you're craving... i don't know what your current hair practices are, so maybe if you reveal that, that'll help with the general growth advice you'll receive...
Thank you ladies. I just am sick of this weave. But weaves and braids are the only thing I can think of to keep my hair steadly growing. I just miss the breeze on my own hair. I'm going to aim for Arm pit length. by October Thanks again ;)