Help me, please! I need some encouragement.


Active Member
I have been a member of the board for about 3 months. I am definitely a PJ, I have bought so much stuff it is not funny. :D I am a little discouraged due to the fact that my chin length hair is now above my ears. I recently removed my tree braids and had my hair relaxed. It was still very much damaged and the stylist advised that my only recourse was to trim off the damaged ends and start over. :eek: She trimmed about three inches off and I kind of thought she would have to cut it but just not that much. I told her about the board, the products I was using and she agreed that they were all good products, but that severly damaged hair cannot be fixed.

I am faced with starting over again. It is so depressing. :ohwell: I do feel that with the board's help I can grow my hair out. Has anyone else experienced what I am going through? I would love to hear from you. I am 4B, very coarse, dry and nappy. My cut looks cute, but it is really hard to care for since I exercise everyday. I have lost 35 pounds since May and my goal is 50. I love working out.

At this time I am washing my hair everyday and wearing a wig or scarf. Today I used a flatiron and my hair was so cute. Then it rained and it got wet and I had to slick it back. My sister thinks I should try to wear a ponytail, but my hair is only 2" in the back and I exercise everyday where I sweat profusely. I acheived probably three inches of growth in twelve weeks using MTG and surge. :) You ladies are wonderful. I would like to thank all of you for your posts and pictures. I find myself envious of all of you. Please respond and give me your opinions. I would be really grateful for any help.
First of all, Congrats on the weightloss! That's a great accomplishment!

We all have hair struggles, and I'm so sorry to hear that you have to start over from scratch. but honestly all the things that you had to do by trial and error won't be such a problem this time around since you have experience under your belt.

You now know what makes your hair thrive. With the kind of progress that you've had I'm sure you'll be @ or even past the length you've had before.

Keep your head up, and do what makes you comfy...even if that means you have to sport 20 different scarves for the next moth
I've been there twice. Once I had to cut my hair down to 4 inches (from 14), the second time to 6 inches (from 18). All I can say is, don't repeat the past this will all be just a bad memory soon. :)
Thanks guys, I know this is probably the best situation for my hair. I will probably get it weaved up until after the Holidays. I did that last year and had incredible growth without using anything. I just went to the wrong stylist who proceeded to fry my hair off my head. :eek: Now that Iknow how to take care of my hair, I will not make the same mistake twice. You ladies are the greatest.
Thanks again, :)
Hi Carolb21, you came to the right place for encouragement. This board is a really good support group. I've been a member since 2003, then took a long brake. and in that break I became neglectful..flat out lazy..but yet I want long hair. In all my life I've never had longer than mid neck length hair. But after coming here to the board and chatting with some great ladies; with their tips and maintenance suggestions. I've grown my hair quite close to bra strap. I would say i'm a 3c/4a, and only get about 1/4-1/2 a month in new growth. My ends were damaged too, but I REFUSED to cut/chop them. I discovered the Aphogee and ACV rinses and just routinely gave myself a treatment. I wear a drawstring EVERYSINGLEDAY, over my baggied ponytail. Once I hit brastrap I will cut to even out but right now its just daily washes whether conditioner wash or shampoo and conditioner then deep condition twice a week.
Sorry for such a long post and I can go on and on, but if you want to see pics send me a pm
And once again keep your head up.. YOU Can Make it!

Congrats on your weight loss, that is something to celebrate. As far as your setback I have been there and I felt like slapping someone. When I first joined the boards My hair was pretty much already healthy. The reason I joined is because the ladies here shared the same techniques that I already used such as airdrying and all that jazz...However, I started followign somethings that did not work as well for me as it did others like moisture on my ends :eek: I think I went overboard and I had a major set back my ends looks so raggedy I had to cut.

After I had to cut my hair I really was not feeling hair care anymore, I did my routine wash, and condtion weekly..but that was it. Then my hair started doing much better, I believe it was because I was keeping it simple. I know your hair will thrive, it sounds as if it is already with the MTG. Don't worry about it.
Dont be discouraged this issue is so fixable. I just started a thread for short hair ladies who want to stretch their relaxers at least 8 weeks I bet that weaving it up and not having to manipulate it much will have your hair back to chin length and beyond in no time. You will definitely get through this.

Congrats on your weightloss girl. I understand completely where you are coming from. I can't even begin to tell you how many setbacks I've had since joining the board, I've had breakage from braids and from a bad relaxer so I had to cut about 4 inches of hair in 9 months...not cool. But I didn't give up, and niether can you. I'm staying away from braided extensions and babying my hair back to health. I know the feeling, you feel like throwing in the towel, but your hair will get back on track, I'm speaking from experience. Keep up. :)
We got your back! Congrats on the weightloss. I need you for encouragement on that topic. :D At anyrate, you know what is best for your hair. Keep loving it and it will come back sooner than you think. This board is so helpful, so don't feel you are going thru this alone. We have all been there or are going thru it right now.
Take care!
You guys are wonderful. Thank you again for all your knowledge and help. At this point I would be so depressed, but right now I am so thankful for being able to get advice and encouragement from so many ladies on this board. I watched a lady today on the Today show who is going bald and I felt her pain. She said that when she goes out without her hair piece it's as if she is a non entity. She said that people will look at her and quickly turn away as if she doesn't even exist. It was really sad. I wanted to tell her about the board.:ohwell:

It's crazy but I think my hair has new growth already. I am not use to having hair at my nape, most stylist shave this off, but Morena left it and it is about 1" on the right side and a 1/2" on the left side. My left side was almost bald. I will continue my regimen, MTG, Surge 14, EVOO, WGO, CO washes, deep conditioners, and probably when it gets too bad I will weave it up until after the holidays.

Thanks again, I love you all!!!!! ;)