Help Me Pick My Haircut Please!!

You have no idea how nervous that part makes me. BUT...i'm doin it. If it's too much maintenance I'm going to go SHORTER :)

I hear ya! I haven't had short short hair in 6 years and I am still traumatized LOL Maybe you should go a little less drastic. Maybe shoulder length so you can do easy wash and go's, but still long enough for a ponytail.
I hear ya! I haven't had short short hair in 6 years and I am still traumatized LOL Maybe you should go a little less drastic. Maybe shoulder length so you can do easy wash and go's, but still long enough for a ponytail.

Girl you're projecting :lachen:. I'm not going "safe" on this cut. I'm going SHORT!!! I'm going Drastic. Go big or go home! :)
I think any one of them would look good on you. But if I had to pick, I would choose what you chose. Start with the blond cut, then go for one of the others. Short hair feels so good!
Unless you can donate your hair to help someone else, I am completely against the cut. :look: Now that I have shared my 2 cents, I vote for the last cut or a long bob. Admittedly, it will be fun watching you grow all of that lovely hair back!! :grin:
Whimsy, when will you be cutting? I'm excited for you. :grin:

Friday! :) Thanks I'm excited too!

Unless you can donate your hair to help someone else, I am completely against the cut. :look: Now that I have shared my 2 cents, I vote for the last cut or a long bob. Admittedly, it will be fun watching you grow all of that lovely hair back!! :grin:

Of course I'm donating!! I couldn't just let that hair fall to the ground and get swept into a garbage can!!!:nono:
I say go big and drastic! I like #3 for you

Keep in mind that sometimes short short hair requires more maintenance then long hair. At least that was my problem when my hair was 5 inches long. No more throwing it in a ponytail, which required more work to make it look perfect.

Wait this one wasn't the last one? I change my vote then :drunk:

ETA: nevermind. It was the last one lol.