Help me!!! Help meeeeee!!! Help


New Member
HELP!!!!!! I'm FREAKING OUT!!!!! Is my hair thinning????? I've been applying shapleys MTG directly to my scalp at night daily, then applying JBCO, coconut, avocado, and grapeseed oil to my hair. Then i do the green house effect over night. Also taking hairfinity vits. Soo tonight as I'm doing it I notice I can see my scalp through my hair wtf!!!!! I'm extremely scared, I've never seen this before Tonight and I do pay close attention to my sides because I'm ALWAYS wearing my hair up in a bun... I've NEVER noticed this! Could it be that because of all those thick oils it's making my strands stick to each other??? I'm hoping because I'm about to cry. In the 3 weeks I've been doing this to my hair I'm already noticing new growth. Also when I comb or brush my hair there is never any hair in the teeth or bristles. So wtf is going on. I'm supposed to be getting my sew in tomorrow and I was going to treat my hair the same but I can't risk this not knowing if it's cause my hair to come out. I'll be a plucked duck when I take it out... Someone PLEASE tell me I'm over reacting****hearts racing, about to cry **** :'( I'm posting this all over the forum. I really need answers and I really want my sew in tomorrow!


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Maybe it grew in a little straighter than normal and shows your hair a little more, or maybe you slicked your hair back a little too good (keep hope alive)
does it feel different when you touch it

i would wash that stuff out and see how my hair felt/ looked with out it
Lilmama1011 said:
Maybe it grew in a little straighter than normal and shows your hair a little more, or maybe you slicked your hair back a little too good (keep hope alive)

Thank you.. I'm sure hoping this Is the case
Your hair is probably super moisturized and as a result your curl pattern is looser and the hair is laying straighter than it was before. So, it gives the impression your hair is thinner when it really isn't. Wash the oils out and see if your hair appears thicker.
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MTG can change your texture after long periods of usage. It also seem as if you're using too much other products which can be scalp overload. Try to remove some of your products to see if one of them are the culprits.
It looks to me like you just have too much product on your hair. If you haven't noticed an increased amount of shedding then surely your hair can't be getting thinner? In that case I wouldn't panic just yet, wash it all out and try again. My hairs quite fine and if I put too much product on the same thing happens :yep:
I'm sorry your going through this..I agree with everyone, maybe too much product. I noticed you said that you "brushed" your hair? Brushing dry, tangled hair, or overly moisturized hair isn't always a good idea..your putting a lot of tension on your ends, causing hair to come out or break. Ther may not be any hair in the comb or brush, but is there hair in the sink or on the floor, or pillow? Are the strands long, could be shedding.

Maybe you should hold off getting the sew-in untill your sure about what your seeing? Btw, I put light oil on my ends, scalps generally dont need that much product, your scalp is skin, and it needs to breath. I'm sure everything will work out!
Ok so good news and possibly bad news. The good news is when I washed, conditioned Nd blow dried my hair my sides didn't look like they were thinning :D I was super happy.....and the possible bad news....after blow drying my hair I combed it out and was very paranoid at what was coming out.... A lot of hair was falling in the sink and on the floor. I don't know if this is normal or not because I read your hair sheds 100 strands a day (seems like a lot) please look at these pics and assure me I'm over reacting AGAIN!! You ladies really gave me a sigh of relief last night!!!! Thank you so much!! If I could I would kiss each of you :-* being a newbie to hair Care sucks!!!***runs off to get sew in***


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i think you are doing too much with the products. all of that isn't necessary. it is weighing your strands down. cut back on some of that stuff.
That looks like a lot of breakage right there, which might be the reason why your hair may feel thinner. Where are you at with your moisture/protein balance? It may also be a great time for a trim.
MrsJaiDiva said:
That looks like a lot of breakage right there, which might be the reason why your hair may feel thinner. Where are you at with your moisture/protein balance? It may also be a great time for a trim.

Again I'm a newbie so I don't anything about moisture and protein...I hate trimming my hair because I never wanna loss lenfth
I feel your pain!! But from personal experience (within the past few months Ima newbie too!!) Cut those ends girl. A few really good trims will do you good just go ahead and get that breakage under control. I thought I could get away with not trimming it. Boy it got UGLY. See through chewed up ends... It all just got worse. I wish I would've cut earlier.
CharnellG said:
Again I'm a newbie so I don't anything about moisture and protein...I hate trimming my hair because I never wanna loss lenfth

My suggestion, dig into the archives and learn about it because it is an important basic step in your new hair care journey. Also, I would not.....would not myself get a sew in on already breaking hair. Get your hair healthy before putting a chemical or style with excess tension in it. Start off with clarified hair and a good trim...DC and treat if needed. Good luck and :welcome2:
This is all really good advice, I would definitely look into getting your moisture and protein balance right before you get a sew in as a good balance is really important in preventing breakage.
Your pictures show a lot of tiny broken hairs. Maybe you have moisture overload from all the products you are using. Too much moisture for is bad news for people with thinner hair strands. That combined with brushing (get rid of the brush!) = lots of breakage.
I think you have a case of DTM (doing too much). Whenever you see short hairs in the sink, youre looking at breakage. Breakage and retention are enemies. If you wanna see hair growth stop the breakage and leave your hair ALONE. A weave is a good idea but ONLY if you get your hair back in balance first. I can tell you want to retain a head full of healthy hair so I agree with JJamiah You need to do an in depth assessment of your hair and go from there.
Ok so good news and possibly bad news. The good news is when I washed, conditioned Nd blow dried my hair my sides didn't look like they were thinning :D I was super happy.....and the possible bad news....after blow drying my hair I combed it out and was very paranoid at what was coming out.... A lot of hair was falling in the sink and on the floor. I don't know if this is normal or not because I read your hair sheds 100 strands a day (seems like a lot) please look at these pics and assure me I'm over reacting AGAIN!! You ladies really gave me a sigh of relief last night!!!! Thank you so much!! If I could I would kiss each of you :-* being a newbie to hair Care sucks!!!***runs off to get sew in***

That looks like what happens when your hair is dry. Did you deep condition and use some type of moisturizer before blow drying?

ETA: I agree you should learn about protein moisture balance. It will help get your hair healthy and may stop the breakage.
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Ok so good news and possibly bad news. The good news is when I washed, conditioned Nd blow dried my hair my sides didn't look like they were thinning :D I was super happy.....and the possible bad news....after blow drying my hair I combed it out and was very paranoid at what was coming out.... A lot of hair was falling in the sink and on the floor. I don't know if this is normal or not because I read your hair sheds 100 strands a day (seems like a lot) please look at these pics and assure me I'm over reacting AGAIN!! You ladies really gave me a sigh of relief last night!!!! Thank you so much!! If I could I would kiss each of you :-* being a newbie to hair Care sucks!!!***runs off to get sew in***

Do you comb your hair properly? From the bottom to the top and if you approach tangles you get below the tangle and slowly work your way up again? Even though I'm pretty sure you do because you would have way more breakage
JJamiah said:
My suggestion, dig into the archives and learn about it because it is an important basic step in your new hair care journey. Also, I would not.....would not myself get a sew in on already breaking hair. Get your hair healthy before putting a chemical or style with excess tension in it. Start off with clarified hair and a good trim...DC and treat if needed. Good luck and :welcome2:

Definitely going to star some heave research. Thank you :)
knt1229 said:
That looks like what happens when your hair is dry. Did you deep condition and use some type of moisturizer before blow drying?

ETA: I agree you should learn about protein moisture balance. It will help get your hair healthy and may stop the breakage.

I washed and Conditioned with mane and tail
Lilmama1011 said:
Do you comb your hair properly? From the bottom to the top and if you approach tangles you get below the tangle and slowly work your way up again? Even though I'm pretty sure you do because you would have way more breakage

Yea combing my hair is about all I know how to do lol!