Help me decide - relax this week or next week?

Help me decide - relax this week or next week?

  • This week

    Votes: 8 80.0%
  • Next week

    Votes: 2 20.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
Okay, so I just called my hair dresser and it turns out they can take me this Friday. I was actually thinking that I wouldn't be able to get an appointment for another week so I was caught off guard. I took this week's appointment, but now I'm wondering if I should wait a week. Here are the things to consider . . .

- my edges are a wooly mess and are crying out for a relaxer
- I can do it at a leisurely pace since I am on vacation
- last washed my hair on Sunday
- I have the money this week

- would have to take time off work to go to the salon (this is the biggest reason for me to just go ahead and go this week) -- not a great way to kick off the new year at work :nono:
- haven't had an opportunity to do a pre-relaxer protein treatment (that said, my hair doesn't particularly feel like it needs protein right now)
- I haven't had a chance to take a picture of my hair to do a "length-check" for the LHCF challenge so I'll be about a week late in putting my beginning picture (y'all won't kick me out of the challenge, though, right? :look:)
- who knows if I'll have the money next week

Help me decide!
I say go for it! You can start with fresh January 2009 pics!
That will give you a nice baseline comparison for December 2009/January 2009 progress shots.
This week, since you already have the money and you're on vacation. Plus this will prevent you from taking off next week. Go for it while you have the time and money.
Thanks ladies. Yeah, I am going to just go this week . . . but the hair fanatic in me was like, "But wait . . . you need to do protein . . . and take pics!"