Help me decide how much hair to trim


Well-Known Member
Sooo ladies, I made WL (yay me... lol) my siggy picture is from October so I'm almost 1 inch longer now... I'm dedicating 2014 to trimming... WL is my goal. However my ends are really thin, and my options are

1.Maintain at WL and cut 1 inch at time
2. Cut of 3 inches.. regrow to WL, 3 inches off etc until im satisfied.
3. Chop off all the thin ends at once (putting me back at BSB) and regrow hair.

Please see the YT video to see what my hair looks like today

Please let me know how much you think I should cut by voting on this poll.
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I voted for you to cut 1 inch at a time and maintain WL.

Re-evaluate every couple of months to make sure your ends are improving the way you want.
Thanks ladies... I'm surprised... I thought everyone would vote for me to chop it off at once... Will see how the poll holds up by relaxer day - Dec 31.
Thanks ladies... I'm surprised... I thought everyone would vote for me to chop it off at once... Will see how the poll holds up by relaxer day - Dec 31.

If your ends are not damaged and splitting, and are only thin due to excess shedding, I see no reason to cut them. Just let the rest of your hair catch up.

Now, if you just can't bare the aesthetic of it. Then go ahead and chop to where its fuller.
I voted for cutting 3 inches. I definitely would not cut more than that because hair does naturally get thinner at the ends as your hair grows longer, so at least from what I could see, beyond the bottom three inches your hair thickness seems fine. More than that I feel is unnecessary. If you do one inch every two months, then I would recommend a good search n destroy session, to make sure that you take care of the split ends on the shorter hairs.
I'm on the cut an inch and maintain. I've never been one for a major cut unless it's needed or part of an ultimate goal. ex: I said I was going to even out my hemline at the in of the year. I set the goal in January.
You could do 1 inch because there is nothing wrong with that or 3 and just have thicker ends. I agree with the other ladies, it's not breaking or anything so 1 inch is fine. They will probably thicken up by your next relaxer depending on when that is.

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I voted to cut 1 inch, but if you are okay with just a fresh start- I personally would go with #3
i would go with #3, but that's because I like to wear my hair out and i want it to look blunt and full.
I would cut an inch now. Then cut an inch every 2 months until I thicken my hemline.

I've done this in the past and it works for me.

I've also done the major chop. I hate the major chop.

The most I would cut is 3 inches.
Number 1. I've seen a few ladies do a super trim and a few months later their ends are uneven again. No damage no trim.