Help! Left side super thin: Right side thick!!


Active Member
Today I noticed my hair on the left side is still thin & see through. Although it's growing. My left side is about an 1" shorter than my right side. This probably due to a bad weave job I had years ago that literally pulled my hair out from the roots when I removed the weave.I had bald spots on the left side.

But just today, after washing & putting my hair in a bun, I noticed I could see through my hair directly to the scalp. My right side on the other hand is twice as thick as the left side. For years I used to lay on my left side. But now, I sleep on my right side.

Does anyone know how I could thicken my left side? Or will it ever thicken? Had anyone ever experienced this problem? Were you able to achieve thick hair in this area?
Re: Help! Left side super thin: Right side thick!

My cousin (shes a hairdresser) calls it the weak side...She says its common. It has alot to do with what side you sleep on, like you said.

For me, I have a weak left side also. Nothing to do with any previous trauma, it has just always been prone to breakage. I also pay attention to how I sleep now. I read in a haircare magazine that the way you wrap you hair at night can also affect it.

But you said your hair is getting long...but thin...Is there breakage? Or do you have hair follicles that are not growing hair? If thats the case, you may want to give your hair follicles a break from the chemicals. If your not sure you should see a Dermatologist. If necessary, the doctor can help your follicles get back to normal.

Your hair itself will get no thicker with products, but you can fake the thickness by using soft hold products to add volume.