HELP- Kinky Curly Weave disaster


Active Member
I installed the Onyc Kinky Curly 3C/4A hair a few weeks back. By the second day, the nape had begun to tangle. Simple tangles became huge matted balls and I obviously don't know what I'm doing wrong to care for it. I started by just misting the hair and finger combing it in place. Then I tried wetting it in the shower and doing my best to comb out the tangles, but it just tangles and mattes (sp?) so quickly that I'm pulling out or cutting big balls of hair. I've tried plain water, co washing with Suave Coconut conditioner, adding some curl cream to damp hair, and the kimmaytube mix. I sleep in a satin cap at night, and try to keep my hands out of it during the day. What am I doing wrong???
I'm sorry to hear that. Thats some pretty expensive hair to be tangling already. I hope the quality of hair hasnt changed. Have you reached out to the company? It shouldnt tangle like that especially if youve cowashed it.

Can you try braiding the nape after you detangle it and then unbraid in the daytime?
Thanks for the sugestion to go back to the company. I looked at the website to get some ideas. I really don't think it's the quality of the hair, I think it's me. I'm going to try your suggestion for braiding it up in the evenings, because in the morning, even with the satin sleep cap at night, it's a tangled mess.

Today I made a leave in mixture of aloe vera gel, Tresseme moisture conditioner, and a few drops of olive oil, that I sprayed on after getting the hair wet in the shower. It looks and feels good so I'm hoping that I can finger comb it tonight before braiding and use the leave in tomorrow for styling. If that doesn't work, I will definitely email Thelma at ONYC and get some help.

And you're right shawnyblazes... way too much money for this hair not to last!
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ONYC hair is known to be hot garbage, I'm sorry you wasted your money. A friend plus my stylist put me on to this. My stylist thinks that its not 100% human hair ( my stylist has a specialty in doing color and had a client bring some in and the color wasn't taking even though she used multiple methods and this is her expertise) and my friend has had friends buy the hair and it never last past 1 install.

I think youtubers are getting special or better quality stuff with wigs/weave companies and they give everyone else the garbage.
Sorry to say, but that sounds like synthetic hair probs. It probably is some human/synthetic blend. Ive worn afro and kinky curly weaves and only the blends and synthetics do that. Might want to request a refund or consider it lesson learned.

*.~.*Sent from a distant Galaxy in the Unicorn-verse*.~.*
Sorry you went through this...I don't have any advice than what was given except maybe try doing an overnight prepoo with conditioner and a lot of coconut oil.

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I would recommend stop putting so much product on the hair. And try finger detangling rather than combing, and after that use a denman brush.

How do you wear the hair?
Thanks for all of the suggestions. The only other weave I've ever worn was a braided weave many years ago, so I don't have a lot of experience with loose hair. I'm a little bummed that it sounds like synthetic or a combination of human and synthetic since that's not what I understood when I purchased it. But it would certainly explain a lot.

southerncitygirl, this may just be an expensive lesson learned for me.

silverbuttons, plain water isn't enough, and each time I try something new, it's with a fresh head of hair. I've been using a denman, but the tangles return every morning.

I think my problem is night time care. I have to figure out a way to prevent some of the tangles so that I'm not ripping hair out trying to get rid of them.
I had a curly weave once and I swore to never get one again. It was more work then I spend on my own hair when I was seeking a hair break. After about 2 weeks in it, I watched a video AllThingsFab had and followed a regimen similar to her curly weave. It did cut down on a lot of tangles and matting at the nape but it was still an issue. I would co wash every 3 days with John Frieda Hydrating conditioner then spray John Frieda Dream Curls as a leave in and put it into 2 braids to airdry. At night I would spritz it with water and put it into 2 braids as well. Only problem was that my braided hair underneath was always wet and was starting to smell funny so I took it out after a month.

Now when I buy hair, I only buy the natural's easy for my stylist to straighten and it has a lot of body when straight. Curly hair is just too high maintenance for my taste. Good luck Lady!
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You got a bad batch of hair. I hve had cheap beauty supply hair that didn't tangle for a few weeks with no care at all.

The hair may look bad or not style correctly but tangles and mats this early into the install are a sign of crappy hair.

Complain and send it back. ASAP
I had this hair in the summer and loved it...although it did take some getting used to. At night, I would lightly spray it with water and do chunky two strand twists throughout my whole head, finger detangling as i went along. Think about your curly hair and what you need to do to keep it detangled...I know that helped me.

I loved the hair and it was worth every penny, definitely got my moneys worth out of it and still have it. Just be patient!