Help keep Janaq from relaxing!!


Well-Known Member
I am 15 wks post and getting frustrated. The only thing that has gotten me this far is keeping my hair braided up( this is getting kinda boring) I was thinking about maybe trying my flexirod set but I'm scared that I'll come out looking like a nappy-headed chia pet :lachen:and be forced to relax my hair before August 1.
Sorry, I don't have anything profound to say - I'm in the same boat. Just wanted to show you some love.... :hiya2:

Janaq, have you tried the coconut/lime, yogurt, or sour cream/lime mix. Maybe one of these concoctions can help you stretch a little longer. :yep:I'm in the same boat.,too :spinning:. Hopefuly someone will chime in with some advice.
i say try the flexirods just make sure u go to sumone who can do them on naturals because i kno a few transitioners that kept flexirods to hide the new growth :yep:
Sorry - i'm back on the creamy crack...and i love it :grin:. I didn't want to struggle anymore...too many other things in my life that i'd rather spend my time doing....
do the flexirod set and if it looks too big and too "not what you wanted" then just fluff it out so it looks like a curly fro and push the front back with a head band or something
Your in the worst stage... 3-5 months was the hardest for me... and now that its summer i feel for you... If you give in I cant blame you... but If your serious I say go get a phony pony and slick that bad boy back. or do some rollersets... I am at 9 months post and the summer is killin me... I did a mini chop and am about to buy some curlformers cause im tired of regular rollersets...

Honestly right now with heat and the stage ur in I prefer to stay away from straight styles

This is my personal trick to keep myself from relaxing.

Every time you get the urge...go wet your scalp.
That way you will know that you literally can't relax it without risk of burning your scalp with the chemicals because your pores are opened.

I know it is primitive but it works for me.
First I agree with the post that said to do something that will make it impossible for you to relax like wet your hair. Also, maybe you need a new style that looks cute. Have you tried a bun, bantu knot twist out, braid twistout etc? Every few weeks I take my emergency perm out and just stare at it for a few days , but you gotta be strong!!! Try co-washing and admiring your NG texture..