help just started and i want long hair too


New Member
Hey everyone...anyone who has good tips for me please help me out. I just got a relaxer 2day and i want to increases my growth i use pantene pro-V relaxed for colored women, carrot oil, olive oil and hair mayonnaise by organic root stimulator. I'm wondering if those products are good for my hair and what can i do to increase its length?
Hi There and Welcome to the board!

It sounds like you are using some good products. Please continue to read the board and you will find more tips and information than you could shake a stick at to get your hair long and healthy
The key is finding products that work for YOU.

Also, how you handle your hair is important-- I find that wrapping my hair at nite minimizes detangling and pulling on the hair and it is softer.
Welcome to LHCF! I use the same products except I use ORS olive oil lotion moisturizer. I keep my hair in a bun and mist it everyday with water mixed with VO5 conditioner. Good luck on your hair journey!

i think the products you have listed are pretty good. keep using them. also try to stay away from heat appliances. drink lots of water and try to eat somewhat healthy. exercise is never bad for your all over health (hair included).
deep condition a lot!!!!!!!!!!!
and of course, come back here often to check on info:)

Hi, and Welcome to the LHCF!!!!

I am a relative Newbie myself, having joined the Forum earlier this month.

My journey began in June of this year with deep, honest reflection re: my hair. Then I devised a few (three) realistic goals that I could attain within tne next six to twelve months. Then, I began to identify hair products and hair care practices which would enable me to achieve my goals.

So, you may want to engage in this process. I believe that the goal of longer healthier hair begins in this manner.

One more suggestion: starting today, measure the length of your hair from scalp to end with a soft measuring tape (the type used for sewing). Do this again about once a month. Also, maintain a hair journal to chart your progress on a daily basis.

Again, welcome!


i use pantene pro-V relaxed for colored women,

[/ QUOTE ]

Whoa! (Don't hate me for this but...) Not to be picky or overly analyze this, but i really hope you mean women of color, because we haven't been colored since 1953.