Help - Is is too late to wash before perm


New Member
Ok I usually wash, do a light protein treatmet, and dc 3 - 5 days before a perm.

Well due to changes in some of my holiday plans I had to make an appointment today for saturday.

My question is should I do my regualr pre perm treatment tonight? Or just do nothing because perm day is only two days away.

I do a protein treament before my perm. Sometimes because of my schedule I do it maybe 3 days before. I am really gentle with my hair now though so it never burns on retouch day.
You can do the light protein right after but before neautralize.
I say since your already out the time span, do nothing. Just do everything that day but with the extra umph in it LOL.
Go ahead and do it. You should not have any problem if it is alt least 48 hours. If it is less just be sure not to manipulate your scalp too much. It's the scalp stimulation that's the problem so be sure to go easy on the scalp.
I would go ahead and do it, but only if your stylist bases your scalp. I would base my scalp before I went for my touch ups and she would base me too.
I've washed two days before a relaxer with no problems :yep:

If you don't feel comfortable, you can do like mis_b said and just do the protein after the neutralizing is done
Go ahead and do it. You should not have any problem if it is alt least 48 hours. If it is less just be sure not to manipulate your scalp too much. It's the scalp stimulation that's the problem so be sure to go easy on the scalp.
I never knew that LOL, I thought if water was in hair recently that hair would fall out :look:.
Thanks for the replies ladies. I think i will go ahead and do it. I usually use the apoghee 2 minute reconstructer so i think i will be ok.

I would go ahead and do it, but only if your stylist bases your scalp. I would base my scalp before I went for my touch ups and she would base me too.

My stylist does base she also put some type of cream on my already relaxed hair to help prevent over processing my previously relaxed hair.

I've washed two days before a relaxer with no problems :yep:

If you don't feel comfortable, you can do like mis_b said and just do the protein after the neutralizing is done

Did you just wash? Or did you do a DC or protein treatment as well?
You can do the light protein right after but before neautralize.
I say since your already out the time span, do nothing. Just do everything that day but with the extra umph in it LOL.

i have relaxed about two days after a relaxer before BUT i have read some where about the protien after rinse BUT before you neutralize check the relaxed hair thread i think that it was in there i did this and it turned out really nice! it says something about the cuticle being open right after a relaxer and it allows it to penetrate into the hair shaft better then neutralize and and do a moisturizing condish after happy

i just posted the thread click away!
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Ok I usually wash, do a light protein treatmet, and dc 3 - 5 days before a perm.

Well due to changes in some of my holiday plans I had to make an appointment today for saturday.

My question is should I do my regualr pre perm treatment tonight? Or just do nothing because perm day is only two days away.

I wouldn't do your regular pre-relaxer treatment. I would just do a deep condition after getting the relaxer.
10-01-2007, 01:51 PM
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Self-Relax Support Thread


Nervous about self-relaxing? Or maybe you simply have a question regarding basing your scalp, adding oils to your relaxer, preventing overlapping, doing a corrective relaxer, relaxing in sections, etc. I compiled relevant self-relaxing links into this one thread. I am by no means an expert, which is why I researched the subject of self-relaxing at order to do it safely, and get best results possible. A lot of the info is repetitive, but each thread adds something informative to the subject of self-relaxing.

Who Invented Relaxers?

Difference between Lye and No-Lye Relaxers:
Is Lye or No-Lye Chemical Relaxing Better for Your Hair? by SistaSlick (Associated Content Article)

LHCF Threads difference between Lye and No Lye Relaxers: &page=2

PH Levels of Relaxers:

General Relaxer Tips from AHBAI (American Health and Beauty Aids Institute):

Links to SistaSlick's Articles on the Associated Content:
Getting Ready to Relax? Preparing Your Hair for a Relaxer Chemical Straightening by SistaSlick
Guide to Safely Applying Chemical Relaxers by SistaSlick ge=6

Here's an LHCF thread that also mentions SistaSlick's articles: le

What to do a week Before and week After a relaxer:

A week After a relaxer:

Clarifying week Before relaxer:

No Hardcore Protein for 2 Weeks After Lye Relaxer:

Nice Discussion about Silk, Keratin, Wheat and other Proteins (in case you want to add to relaxer or prior to relaxer):

Adding Protein to Relaxers (the benefits, the products, the websites):

The Science of Preventing Relaxer Damage by using Silk by Navsegda (Adding Silk Amino Acids to hair prior to relaxing):

Adding Oil to relaxer: &page=5 page=2

Basing prior to Relaxing:

Many women relax in Sections:

SouthernGirl gives extremely detailed instructions on how she relaxes in 2 Sections:

LondonDiva, relaxes in sections and has a photo tutorial in her fotki: (PM her for PW)

Lonei has a tutorial in her fotki, she does hers in halves also:

Here, Nixx shares her method of relaxing in halves: s&page=2

Arcadian's Method (she uses Clips to separate small sections):

Preventing Overlapping:

Preventing Scalp Damage

Rinsing Relaxer and What to do After:
pw: steady - Oct 2008 Updates
challenges: MBL 2009

Last edited by LadyEsquire; 06-03-2008 at 12:20 PM.