HELP! In need of styles for short hair!


New Member
I am in desperate need of a style to wear my short layered hair in. Anyone have any ideas?

I've been wearing a 3/4 inch weave the entire summer and am tired of wearing it now. (Which made it easy to do daily condition washes.) I'm sporting a rollerset today but I'm just not feeling it at all....I feel like I look like an old-fashioned, old lady!!!

I just don't know what to do and am getting discouraged somewhat. I don't do well in braids and cornrows so they are not options. And my hair is still too short to put in a bun.

Is a rollerset my only option?? What other styles are out there? HELP!!

My hair is growing out from a real short (about an inch) tapered style. It has a bunch of layers. (approx. 4 inches.) The sides are 1/4" above my ear. The back (which used to be shaved and is layered also) is about 2 inches long.....
How do I style a "flip out"? (I'm not sure exactly...) Are you talking about a flip?
Don't those require using a curling iron??
If you can get HairArt Super Rollers in your hair and can roll your hair inward and downwards/backwards as if you are going to wear it with curls ie do a rollerset... Then instead of picking your hair after removing the rollers with the tail of a rattail comb so you have a rounded curls, you instead use the comb...and starting at the back, you section some hair (making the parting from ear to ear) and comb through the curls with a round, upward curving motion...turning the curl over so it faces up and outward instead of in and downward. And voilà...a flip. (OK, so I only tried this with hair that had been curled inward and downward with a curling iron and I got the curls to face outward flip-style. But I don't see why it wouldn't work with a rollerset.) And you can continue to do this as far up towards the crown as you wanna go, leaving your crown curls face down. Let your creativity run wild. And you can repeat the hairstyle without needing to go under a dryer again by wearing rollers when you go to bed the usual way and repeating the styling the next day. Hope that works.