Help! I'm trying to get back into the routine of going to church


Well-Known Member
and it is soo hard! I've been planning all week to go to church and this morning them temp dropped to 50 degrees and I'm bundled up with my throw blanket on my couch :sad:

There's a 1:45 service that I can still make but I just can't get myself to get up.
and it is soo hard! I've been planning all week to go to church and this morning them temp dropped to 50 degrees and I'm bundled up with my throw blanket on my couch :sad: There's a 1:45 service that I can still make but I just can't get myself to get up.

You are not by yourself. I find myself doing the same thing. I need to get back to church on the regular. My grandmother would not be happy with me if she were alive.
Maybe you could watch a sermon on the church's website or try

But I understand how hard it is to get (back) into the routine of going to church, especially when the weather is cold/snowy/rainy. I sometimes motivate myself by saying "Well I hope when judgment day rolls around, the Lord doesn't block me from the pearly gates because it is cold/snowy/rainy." Lol.
Omg this post is right on time.

I'm ashamed to say the last time I went to church (outside of holidays)....

I need to get back in the habit. My work week drains me so much that on Sunday's I can't move.

Not to mention I need to find a new church home.
Omg this post is right on time.

I'm ashamed to say the last time I went to church (outside of holidays)....

I need to get back in the habit. My work week drains me so much that on Sunday's I can't move.

Not to mention I need to find a new church home.

I didn't think it would be so hard to find a church home but I'd visited 8 churches in the first 4 years of living in my current city.
Maybe you could watch a sermon on the church's website or try

But I understand how hard it is to get (back) into the routine of going to church, especially when the weather is cold/snowy/rainy. I sometimes motivate myself by saying "Well I hope when judgment day rolls around, the Lord doesn't block me from the pearly gates because it is cold/snowy/rainy." Lol.

I tried, they don't stream their services yet. It's sad because I can even muster the energy to get up and go to the gym but church is just very hard.
and it is soo hard! I've been planning all week to go to church and this morning them temp dropped to 50 degrees and I'm bundled up with my throw blanket on my couch :sad:

There's a 1:45 service that I can still make but I just can't get myself to get up.


I felt like sleeping in this morning. When I have days like this I turn on some praise music and immediately get in the shower. Suddenly, I have energy and ready to head out the door.
Omg this post is right on time. I'm ashamed to say the last time I went to church (outside of holidays).... I need to get back in the habit. My work week drains me so much that on Sunday's I can't move. Not to mention I need to find a new church home.

Finding a church home will be crucial. I went to our family church until I was old enough to refuse, then didn't go for years. I finally found a church that spoke to me and it was on. Our church is a community and once you find a church that speaks to you, you'll want to go.
FemmeFatale If it helps, I always use going to church as an excuse to look my nicest lol. It can be hard sometimes to get the energy to go, but I've never regretting going to service because I've always been blessed. I also have an awesome church so that helps!

It's not unusual to find it a struggle to get up and going in the morning, especially when you've spent all week coming/going and being challenged in work, commuting, chores, errands, laundry, taking care of the family, etc. It seems like the only day left to relax and regroup is Sunday, before starting another week of the same. It's a struggle. The mind and body need rest.

Yet I realized that each time I get up, take a shower, bath, etc. and go to Service, God always had a special message for me; a message that spoke directly to my heart and lifted my soul. I see it as God waiting there for me, so that He can bless me with more and more of His unfailing love and mercies.

During the week, I get everything out of the way; Friday night I finish all of the laundry; neatly folded and put away. The house cleaning is done and on Saturday, I have minimum errands and I use that afternoon to relax and enjoy having a day of peace from a busy week. On Sunday, I'm rested and ready for Service. :yep:
This is right on time. I live about an hour away from my church so what I try to do is schedule myself to work on a sunday where it is only 15 minutes from my job. This has been working for me. OAN: Finding a church is very hard. I'm quite picky and I need to be spiritually feed. I hate feeling like I didn't learn anything from the sermont that I could relate to everyday life. It took me 2 years to find a church home when I was living in WA and I still wasn't happy. I was just going to be going. This church that I attend now is small and care about restoring the community and bringing people to christ and not becoming the next mega church:grin:. I think I will stay there a while.
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I tried, they don't stream their services yet. It's sad because I can even muster the energy to get up and go to the gym but church is just very hard.

Well if you're looking for a church to stream on the Sundays that you can't make it, I highly recommend my home church Bates Memorial Church, Rev. F. Bruce Williams is the pastor. You can stream the services on the church website or
I tried, they don't stream their services yet. It's sad because I can even muster the energy to get up and go to the gym but church is just very hard.

Treat it just like that. Gym - physical well being, church - spiritual well being.

I don't feel like doing a lot of things, I'm probably inherently lazy :look: :lol: but I pick up myself and go and I'm usually very happy that I did. This includes work, gym, church etc. Make it part of your routine.

The hardest part is just getting up and getting out of the house.

Also, I prepare what I'm wearing the night before so I'm even more motivated because it's less work for me to get up and do what has to be done.
Finding a church you love is crucial.

That church family will help to encourage and motivate you. It also helps when you are involved (ie have responsibility) in the church so that you are a part of the service and not just a spectator. Good teaching and a vision you agree on will make it easy to align yourself with a particular church. Because if you don't like it, you wont go.

It may also help to give yourself goals. Must attend 3/4 Sundays a month no matter what. Eventually it will become a habit and normal part of your routine.

For those of us who are already regular church goers its our responsibility to be welcoming to people. When people have relationships within the church they tend to be more faithful. I try to introduce myself to the visitors that come so that they now have a person they know and can always chat with when they come (our church is only 3 years old so its easy to do this). It can be intimidating to go somewhere where you are the odd person out, or just one in a crowd of many.
For those of us who are already regular church goers its our responsibility to be welcoming to people. When people have relationships within the church they tend to be more faithful. I try to introduce myself to the visitors that come so that they now have a person they know and can always chat with when they come (our church is only 3 years old so its easy to do this). It can be intimidating to go somewhere where you are the odd person out, or just one in a crowd of many.

I agree Coily :yep:
Finding a church you love is crucial.

That church family will help to encourage and motivate you. It also helps when you are involved (ie have responsibility) in the church so that you are a part of the service and not just a spectator. Good teaching and a vision you agree on will make it easy to align yourself with a particular church. Because if you don't like it, you wont go.

It may also help to give yourself goals. Must attend 3/4 Sundays a month no matter what. Eventually it will become a habit and normal part of your routine.

For those of us who are already regular church goers its our responsibility to be welcoming to people. When people have relationships within the church they tend to be more faithful. I try to introduce myself to the visitors that come so that they now have a person they know and can always chat with when they come (our church is only 3 years old so its easy to do this). It can be intimidating to go somewhere where you are the odd person out, or just one in a crowd of many.

Thanks for the motivating words! I'm an getting ready to go today at 11:45 :yep:

I'm visiting a newish church ( I visited once before about 2 years and it was nice but I never went back because I felt a bit lost and knew no one). For some reason it's kind of hard for me to socialize at a church, tbh I'm not very "churchy" and I can't really be my charming, flirty self up in the church :look:.
I love going to church. There was a time in my life when I wasn't going regularly but I started going weekly and sometimes during the week once I started my classes to join the church. Once I understood what was happening at mass and the significance of Jesus' sacrifice (and that he exorts us to "do this in remembrance of Me" ) I became hungry for church. Church isn't about the pastor, the people or the building. It's about establishing a right relationship with Him which includes worship. God bless you and your journey. :yep:
Matthew 6:33 seem ye first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness and everything shall be added unto you.

Be encouraged, thats just the enemy trying to cause you to choose a secular life than to seek after God first. Remember we are the church, our body is the church...we go to a physical church to be edified in the word and to be along the fellowship of the brethren.

I recommend a workbook called experiencing God its a daily devotional that is thought provoking and helps to develop your spirit man.

If you need help getting motivated I would say

1. Get ready the night before with weather in mind.

2. Have scriptures in your heart so when your flesh give you a cunning excuse you say "no it is ye first the kingdom of God..."

3. Pray and ask God for strength--He will give it to you.

4. Ask if you are growing at this church? Maybe they are not moving in the spirit? Are signs wonders and miracles following in there? How is the fellowship? Maybe you need a new church?

5. Praise God/worship God 7 days...just in case u may be reserving Sundays for one on one time with God...try budgeting your time so you spend at least 15 min doing a devotional every morning or 3x a week if its too hard now.

6. I listened to podcast on for a year before I joined his church

*typing website by memory

7. Also Joyce Meyers is great too

Be blessed

I felt like sleeping in this morning. When I have days like this I turn on some praise music and immediately get in the shower. Suddenly, I have energy and ready to head out the door.
That's the key right there. Have everything set out the night before so you won't have to think about it. When that alarm goes off from across the room, get up, turn it off, go in the bathroom and get ready.
I haven't gone to church for months and I want to start going back (still haven't found a church home) Sunday came and I wanted to turn over and pull the covers up. But I got in that bathroom immediately and was glad I went.
Thanks for this ladies.

I'm going to start going back. My issue is that I feel I'm no longer being feed at my church.

So I have no desire to go at this point. But I'm going to change that and shop churches for awhile.