
I've tried to learn and can't seem to get it. I feel like I'm the only black woman who can't BRAID.:ohwell: Can someone give me some tips or braiding for dummies video?:nono:
It is like lacing up a shoe. Each end piece alternatively going to the opposite end and back over the middle piece.
I cheat my way into flat braiding. I divide a section in halves, so there's a top half and a bottom one. I begin braiding the bottom half a little bit then I stop. I then begin braiding the top and I incorporate what's left of the bottom half when I get to where I had stopped.

Looks something like:


That was a big section but I've made smaller ones divided in 3 or 4 halves, the results definitely look better than my busted flatbraid attempts. :lol:
I suck too.. I've tried numerous times to do the side goddess braid thingy after watching it on Youtube and it's like my fingers are a mess. I can braid for the sake of a braid out, but not as style. I love MsDanti1 goddess braid and I watched her tutorial trying to mimic it --- fail. I guess I have to keep trying.
I tried to cornrow my hair once, my mother asked me if I was trying to make to-the-scalp dreadlocks (Really...?) :ohwell: I just can't do it.
I also can't regular braid the back of my hair as nicely as I do the front/sides.
Hopefully one day I'll get it.
I thought all colored people can braid. Lol. Jk
When I was little I practiced on my dolls, then all my younger relatives, then my older relatives... By the time I got to myself, there's no braid I feel like I can't master. But now I'm inclined to find challenging braids, like 5 and 7 strand ones or braids that incorporate some kind of design.
All that is to say, as simple as it might sound, have y'all tried practicing with yarn? On dolls? On willing little kids? Once you get it, I think it's like muscle memory or something. I know myself, and a lot of people I know, can do their box braids and cornrows (even with interesting parts) without a mirror. You'll get to the point where you can visualize how the back of your head looks just by touching.
More complicated styles, I learned easiest by looking at diagrams. This lady has good ones with colored yarn **must see**:
Simpler styles I learned by doing/watching. YouTube has some pretty great teachers IMO. Let me know if you'd like some recommendations.
This girl's tutorials for braids I really like and find I get some pretty results on my super coily hair:
TBH, I prefer watching straight haired tutorials. A mass of curls, or super thick wavy hair, can be kind of distracting. It's easier for me to comprehend which strand goes where when the hair resembles yarn, for some reason. Maybe because I crochet and knit? *shrug* :-)

via LHCF App
Just to let you know, it requires patience and practice. Seriously. It may take a while before you can do some respectable basic cornrows or french braids. Even after you get the concept, you still have to practice with making them neat. Don't try to do them before you need to go somewhere or when you only have a short amount of time. You will get it soon enough.

It took me a year before I was finally able to braid well enough to go outside and not look crazy. It may not take you as long, but you do have to give it a little time.
I honestly don't even remember when I learned to braid and how. I think it was when I was 12 and tired of my hair looking jacked up.

It does take practice and patience as Braun stated, but I'm sure you'll learn.
I'll try to find some videos that may help