Help. I'm at my wits end


New Member
Hello everyone.

I know I don't write that often but when I do you guys have always given me A+ advice :grin:. I am having a dilemma with my seven year old daughter’s hair. This summer she stayed with her father and he had someone put a relaxer in her hair :swearing::swearing:. Not only has it broken her hair off (above shoulder length when it was previously down her back) but her hair is so dry that nothing and I mean nothing I have tried by way of hair products for little girls has made her hair soft again. I used to use the Silken Strands moisture lotion but it doesn't work anymore. If anyone else has been in this situation or has something I can use please let me know. I don't want her hair to suffer anymore than it already has.

Thank you.

Did he use a no lye relaxer? I read a thread about products that help with no lye relaxer dryness, maybe someone else remembers what products those were. The search feature isn't working for me right now.
My daughter said it was a kiddie perm so I am assuming it was no lye? I was trying not to put a relaxer in her hair because I know how damaging they can be if they are not done properly. I am really just trying to get it where it isn't popping off every time I comb it. It's painful for me and I know its even more devastating to her.

Wash her hair w/ a neutralizing shampoo and then deep condition. This should allow moisture back into the hair shaft. I'd be SUPER ticked off if this happened to me though.
oh no! sorry this happened without your approval. he probably thought he was making it easier to manage:ohwell:.

maybe you can take her to a professional for some deep treatments if you don't want to do it yourself. sometimes we do need a professional to help us in situations like this.

or another suggestion is to try the crown and glory technique -which is braiding it and keeping it well moisturized. Links to the site...

hugs and i am sure it will recover with some TLC.