Help I want to stretch my perm


New Member
Hi all,

I am a newbie and I have a very short hairstyle, think Malinda Williams. I really need help with stretching my perm and adding extreme moisture to my hair. I have an extremely dry scalp and lots of breakage.

Suggestions please!


:wave:Hi and welcome to the broad. My advice would be before you start stretching focus on your breakage and dryness problem. It will not matter how long you stretch your relaxer if you can't retain your ends.

Here is a link that I am sure will help:
1) Try weekly steam treatments for 15 minutes either at a salon or buy a steamer off of Ebay.

2) Less manipulation of your hair is best. Use wigs, braids (not micros!!, think tree braids or brandy braids), braid-outs, twist outs, etc.

3) Deep condition bi-weekly. Keracare Humecto or ORS pak are two products that are very good.

4) Use a light protein condition 1x / month to strengthen your hair and to prevent breakage. Aubrey Organics GBb or

4) Read! read ! read this forum and do searches on other people trying to stretch.

Best wishes.